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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Department (search)
ent and Heads of Departments, reports of battles, statutes at large of Congress, acts and resolutions of the Senate and House of Representatives; general orders of the Adjutant-General's department, and a large collection of reports of the several State governments. We have in Mss. a full set of reports of Longstreet's corps; all of Ewell's reports from the opening of the campaign of ‘63 to the close of the war; all of the papers of General J. E. B. Stuart; a full set of the papers of General S. D. Lee's corps, and a large number of most valuable reports of other officers of the different armies of the Confederacy. We have a complete set of the reports of the Committee on the Conduct of the War to the United States Congress, which embraces testimony of the leading Federal generals on nearly every one of their campaigns and battles; and we have also a number of other Federal official reports, and are arranging to get the whole of them. We are indebted to General A. A. Humphries, Chi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
ial reports of the Confederate generals) should commit the same blunders. Mr. Bates puts Hill's corps at Fredericksburg at 30,000 men, Stuart's cavalry at Brandy Station at 12,000, the force which environed Milroy at Winchester at 60,000, and General Lee's entire force at Gettysburg at 107,000 men. Now the truth is that these figures are most inexcusable exaggerations. General Lee's entire force at Gettysburg was not quite 57,000 men. Ah! if our grand old chieftan had commanded the numbers wGeneral Lee's entire force at Gettysburg was not quite 57,000 men. Ah! if our grand old chieftan had commanded the numbers which Northern generals and Northern writers attribute to him, then the story of Gettysburg and of the war would have been far different. Sherman's Historical raid. By H. V. Boynton. Cincinnati: Wilstach, Baldwin & Co. The author has kindly sent us a copy of this able and scathing review of Sherman's Memoirs, and we have read it with very great interest. He shows most conclusively from the official records that Sherman has done great injustice to Grant, Buell, Rosecrans, Thomas, McPh
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The campaign in Pennsylvania. (search)
ately before the invasion of Pennsylvania, and may be regarded as representing the maximum of General Lee's army in the Gettysburg campaign. On the 20th of July, 1863, after the return of General LeGeneral Lee to Virginia, his army numbered forty-one thousand three hundred and eighty-eight effectives, exclusive of the cavalry corps, of which no report is made in the return of the date last mentioned; alle army on the 20th of July was forty-nine thousand five hundred. It appears, therefore, that General Lee's loss in the Pennsylvania campaign was nearly twenty-five thousand. Concerning the streny strength was a little under one hundred thousand men — about ninety-five thousand. I think General Lee had about ninety thousand infantry, four thousand to five thousand artillery, and about ten twhich General Stuart accompanied made a complete circuit of the Federal army, and only joined General Lee on the evening of the second day; and the brigades under Generals Jones and Robertson, which
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 16: second Manassa's. (search)
. This hill was now crowned with the artillery battalions of Shumaker of Jackson's corps, and S. D. Lee of Longstreet's, making an aggregate of thirty-six pieces. From this arrangement it resulted,ion, and the heroic tenacity with which he held it against fearful odds until the arrival of General Lee, was the splendid result chiefly due. It was so ordered, as if to illustrate the superior pronn — the temporary base of the Confederates -in the presence of such masters of the art of war as Lee and Jackson. Instead of extending his right so far toward Madison, with the preposterous design s of his adversary, which would then have been by the Central Railroad. Nothing but the delay of Lee's reserves in reaching Raccoon Ford, saved Pope here from a disaster far worse than that of Manasmidable foe in his rear. The plainest deduction might have convinced him, that such a General as Lee would not have placed such a body of infantry and artillery, as he saw grimly confronting him acr
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 17: the campaign in Maryland. (search)
verance: Behold! What hath God wrought! General Lee now determined to pursue his advantages by ith too prodigal a waste of patriot blood. General Lee therefore determined to turn aside and promore, ever adopted a bolder project than that of Lee and Jackson, or executed it with greater promptrmined on, two places offered themselves to General Lee for penetrating into Maryland. If he removundness of his counsel and the soundness of General Lee's expectation, that his advance on Fredericved there, and was encamped near the town. General Lee now assembled his leading Generals in councen delicate and hazardous. The purposes of General Lee cannot be so clearly set forth in any way aty, immediately resumed his march to rejoin General Lee at Sharpsburg with his two remaining divisio enter the place. The next day, a copy of General Lee's order, directing the movements of his whoe passes across the mountain which were held by Lee, and as soon as he effected an entrance at any,[3 more...]
such good judgment as to be within reach of any new combination of Bragg — from whom he was now cut off-or, failing that, to keep his rear open through Virginia, to Lee's army. Meantime, Grant massed troops in Chattanooga, sufficient in his judgment to crush Bragg; and, learning of the latter's detachment of Longstreet's corps,treet-said thoughtful critics-then are combination and suicide convertible terms! Neither was public feeling much cheered by the aspect of the war in Virginia. Lee and Meade coquetted for position, without definite result; the former-weakened by Longstreet's absence-striving to slip between Meade and Washington; the latter aiming to flank and mass behind Lee, on one of the three favorite routes to Richmond. The fall and winter wore away with these desultory movements; producing many a sharp skirmish, but nothing more resultful. These offered motif for display of dash and military tact on both sides; that at Kelly's Ford, on the Rapidan — where the Fed
; but finally-unable to wait the junction of S. D. Lee, to give the battle he felt essential-Forres Polk been in command of two divisions more-had Lee been able to swoop where he only hovered-or haday, his advance crossed the river, only to find Lee quietly seated in his path. Then commenced thapassed down the Valley of the Rappahannock. Lee's calm sagacity foresaw the enemy's course, and position near the North Anna. Blundering upon Lee's lines, throwing his men blindly against workson near Cold Harbor on the last day of May. Lee also moved down to face Grant, throwing his woree. It was asserted that Grant could now crush Lee and capture his stronghold at a single blow; thn was one of choice, not of necessity; and that Lee's movement to cover Richmond from his erratic acould have had no other intention than to sweep Lee from his front; and either by a crushing victoren exaggerated statements of the damage done to Lee and of his dire strait; and the fact of Grant's[7 more...]
tween the Rapidan and the James! In that time, Lee, by the junction of Breckinridge and all the fr0 men! We may, therefore, consider that General Lee, in the summer campaign of 1864, kept at ba, some southern claims, still further to reduce Lee's army. While Grant was engaged in his pertinacious failures to flank Lee, General Sheridan-whose fame as a cavalry leader was already in the iderable proportions toward Richmond. Flanking Lee upon the right, he proceeded over the North andeing entirely uncovered by the drain of men for Lee's army, he could carry them with ease. In thisheer weight; for it was known only that part of Lee's forces had crossed the river, and the line watood side by side, with the bronzed veterans of Lee's hundred fights. Women sat quiet, the shells followed the very same line that had earned General Lee the wildest enthusiasm of the people, even trol of the military power of the Confederacy. Lee had fallen back to his proper base-so had Johns[4 more...]
ng — no despairing cry among the southern people. They looked at the coming end steadily and unflinchingly; and now, for the first time, they began to speculate upon the possible loss of their beloved Capital. It was rumored in Richmond that General Lee had told the President that the lines were longer than he could hold; that the sole hope was to evacuate the town and collect the armies at some interior point for a final struggle that might yet sever the bonds, ever closing tighter and tightices and informed them that Richmond would be evacuated that night; and counseled they had best go home and prepare to meet the dreadful to-morrow. The news spread like wildfire. Grant had struck that Sunday morning-had forced the lines, and General Lee was evacuating Petersburg! The day of wrath had come. Hastily the few remaining necessaries of the several departments were packed, and sent toward Danville, either by railroad or wagon. Ordnance supplies, that could not be moved, wer
wing rations rumors and reality the first gray jacket returns General Lee re-enters Richmond woman, the Comforter Lincoln's Assassination perfect idleness-still for a time the rumor gained credit that General Lee had turned on his pursuer, at Amelia Court House, and gained a dh 13,000 men; and, finally, on the 9th of April, Richmond heard that Lee had surrendered. Surely as this result should have been looked forw assumed tangible form — there was no longer any room to doubt. General Lee, weakened by desertion and breaking down of his men-by General Ee of the pontoons. By some strange intuition, it was known that General Lee was among them, and a crowd collected all along the route he wou Still this fact had been considered a certain one from the date of Lee's surrender; and it bore none of the crushing weight that had made texpected. Even the wild and maddened spirits, who refused to accept Lee's cartel, and started to work their way to Johnston, could have had
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