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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Maryland. (search)
ndoned Frederick and the line of the Monocacy. Lee entered the mountainous section of Maryland. Tdriven upon it. It was in this blind alley that Lee had determined to capture Miles and his small apaign, and in the presence of an adversary like Lee. The name of McClellan alone was almost sufficiand for however short a period the execution of Lee's plan might thus be retarded, he was surprisedrtune of arms. Besides, the position chosen by Lee compensated to some extent for the numerical in thereby extend his left in a dangerous manner, Lee had drawn back the latter en potence in the dirand of whom were certainly ready for battle. Lee, who had scarcely more than twenty-five thousan. The battle was still confined to the right. Lee took advantage of this to detach another divisiis opportunity to strike an irreparable blow at Lee. The first is to be found in the moral conditio During the night of the 18th-19th the whole of Lee's army, taking advantage of the low water in th[71 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Kentucky (search)
f Maryland, had reawakened the aggressive ardor of the Confederates in the West. Believing that Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia were already in the power of Lee, both soldiers and officers in Bragg's army dreamed in their turn of the conquest of Cincinnati and Louisville, the deliverance of Nashville, Memphis, and even of Nerates, who, being masters of the Alleghanies and West Virginia, found themselves much nearer Louisville and the Northern States than Buell. Bragg, encouraged by Lee's victories before Richmond, resolved to take advantage of the situation to strike his adversary at this weak point, and restore the Confederate flag to those Statenumbering about forty-five thousand men of all arms, divided between his two former lieutenants, Polk and Hardee. The time for action had arrived; for in Virginia, Lee had again faced his soldiers toward Washington, and was about to attack Pope's army on the Rapidan. Along the whole of this immense line, laid out across the conti
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—Tennessee. (search)
partly composed of recruits, rivalled them for a moment in ardor, but its march had been subjected to delays which, after the battle, were to be the cause of violent recriminations. It, however, soon fell back in disorder without having been able to reach the enemy's works. Blair, reduced to his own resources, was obliged to retire in his turn. The Federals left more than one thousand wounded, a few hundred prisoners, and four flags in the hands of the enemy. The Confederate brigade of S. D. Lee, which alone had held them in check, protected by its entrenchments, had not lost more than one hundred and fifty men. The assault was a positive failure. The signal agreed upon had either not been understood or not heard on the right, and the two divisions which were posted there remained immovable, while a handful of men were being crushed in a desperate attempt on the left. The second division, under Stuart, had spent the day in watching the curious position occupied by the company