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heat is a magnificent view of valley and mountain, and, looking eastward, of the Alleghanies, towering in grandeur and covered with a dark forest of fir, and the valley of the Green Brier stretching to the south-east, while our works on Cheat, and Lee's works on the Alleghany, frown defiance at each other. The distance from the bottom of Cheat to the top on the western side, by the windings of the road, is six miles, and only one mile to the valley of Cheat River on the eastern side. After de an expedition last winter. This valley is now in utter desolation. Human habitations and fences all gone, and left a mournful solitude. Next morning resumed the march, and immediately after crossing the river, came to the rebel works made by Lee during the summer of 1861, and called Camp Alleghany. At this place we met two more families of refugees, also from White Sulphur, leaving the doomed land of Dixie, who had been driven off by the rebels. From here a scouting party was sent to Fo
ld, November 9. After the fight at Bristoe we followed on Lee's retreating army pretty briskly, but soon found they had to for the war feeling of the South. It was also certain that Lee was outmanoeuvred this time, for they were taken by suprise,re we attacked the forts on the north side of the river, General Lee was over with Colonel Godwin, who was in command, and ga, surrendered. One wild cheer, one wild huzza, informed General Lee that we were successful, and in a few minutes the Stripe, besides four guns, four caissons, and eight battle-flags. Lee availed himself of the darkness of the night to effect his e success. This sad affair took place in the presence of General Lee and Major-General Early, who had arrived on this side thy covered with his dead. At midnight on Saturday night, General Lee began to fall back. On Sunday morning, he formed the liox's brigade, and were badly cut up. During Sunday night General Lee fell back to his old position south of the Rapidan.
is advance reaching Falmouth on the twentieth. Lee's army, in the mean time, moved down the south their execution. In the early part of June, Lee's army moved up the south bank of the Rappahannraids and in breaking up guerrilla bands. When Lee's army retreated across the Potomac, in July larendered valuable services in the pursuit after Lee had effected his passage of the river. On the the York River, for the purpose of cutting off Lee's communications with Richmond and of attackingded, and a few stragglers. About the time of Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania, the rebel General Jt-Tennessee above Chattanooga, and hearing that Lee was being rapidly reenforced on the Rapidan, ity of meagre and conflicting testimony, is, that Lee's army has been reduced by Longstreet's corps, nformation received here indicates that part of Lee's forces have gone to Petersburgh. There are vication. General Meade was urged to attack General Lee's army while in its present reduced conditi[13 more...]
tle excuse or palliation. For the first time during our struggle for national independence, our defeat is chargeable to the troops themselves, and not to the blunders or incompetency of their leaders. It is difficult to realize how a defeat so complete could have occurred on ground so favorable, notwithstanding the great disparity in the forces of the two hostile armies. The ground was more in our favor than it was at Fredericksburgh, where General Longstreet is said to have estimated that Lee's army was equal to three hundred thousand men. And yet we gained the battle of Fredericksburgh, and lost that of Missionary Ridge. But let us take up the painful narrative at the beginning, and see how this great misfortune, if not this grievous disgrace, has befallen the confederate arms. Lookout Mountain was evacuated last night, it being no longer important to us after the loss of Lookout or Will's valley, and no longer tenable against such an overwhelming force as General Grant had
nt and rapid marching, our advance overtook their retreating rear-guard, and shortly after discovered the main body of the rebel army in a strong position on the west bank of Mine Run, which. is about one and three quarter miles from Robertson's Tavern. Quite a number of deserters were picked up by our advance, and from them we learned that Hill's corps (rebel) had advanced from Orange Court-House down the plank-road, and there united with Ewell's corps, thereby concentrating the whole of Lee's army in a position naturally strong, and with formidable intrenchments to protect him. To add to our numerous disadvantages, a heavy rain-storm set in early in the forenoon, accompanied with a thick fog, that foiled all our attempts, for a time, to continue a close inspection of the enemy's works and movements. Determined not to be balked by unpropitious weather, General Warren made a minute and personal reconnoissance of the enemy's fortifications, hoping thereby to discover some unpro
heads mournfully before the inhumanity of war. I was at the hospital during the afternoon. Ambulance after ambulance drove up, and deposited its bloody and mangled human contents. Abundant surgical attendance, the sympathies of comrades, and the kindest of colored female nurses were there. Every thing that skill and attention could do was done; but no human sympathy can replace the mother, sister, or wife. No kindness can allay the anguish of a mangled and lost limb. One poor fellow, Captain Lee, of the One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois, had his upper jaw shot away, and his legs torn to fragments, yet lived twelve hours. As I carefully cut the pants and boot from another whose leg had been fractured terribly by a Minie ball, he bore the agony manfully. He asked if the leg could be saved. I told him I feared not. Well, said he, after a pause, I can afford one leg for my country — take it off! During a moment's cessation of torture, his eyes brightened, and he triumphantly exclai
the knowledge of any of the blockading vessels, and that on the night of the tenth instant. She was fired at and hit several times by the Howqua and Britannia. Also, under date of the seventeenth, Captain Ridgely says that: The newspaper paragraph stating that seventeen vessels arrived in Wilmington in one night, is entirely destitute of truth. Such reports are, doubtless, published to encourage the shipment of crews for the large numbers of vessels recently purchased for blockade-running, as they have been very roughly handled of late. The blockade-runners change their names very often, for the same purpose. Each vessel on the blockade off Wilmington sends to me here a carefully prepared abstract from the log for the month, in which every movement is actually recorded, and it is evident from: a comparison of such abstracts, that the reports are entirely unfounded. I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully yours, S. P. Lee, A. R. Admiral Commanding N. A. B. Squadron.
dle of July last, making an average loss of one steamer for every nine days to the blockade-runners, under whose discouraging losses illegal trade with Wilmington is rapidly diminishing. I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, yours, S. P. Lee, Acting Rear-Admiral, Commanding N. A. B. G. Hon Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy. A national account. Wilmington, N. C., January 9, 1864. It is my purpose to narrate in this letter the facts concerning the chase and destructio state the circumstances attending the destruction of the blockade-runner Bendigo but a few days since. It seems that this vessel got ashore some miles down the coast from the blockading fleet, and was discovered by the flag-ship Fa-Kee, with Admiral Lee on board, and immediately opened fire upon her, and was soon after joined by the Mongomery. Both vessels now fired at the Bendigo, and by evening several shots had taken effect. Early the next morning the Bendigo was boarded by a boat expedi
oses. The bill being taken up, Mr. Miles advocated its passage. He said the Senate bill, in relation to cavalry, contained a provision to abolish corps of partisan rangers; but the Committee had deemed it too sweeping in its character, and had stricken it out. The House objected to the bill altogether, and refused to pass it. The Committee had instructed him to report the present bill, which they thought was demanded by the necessities of the service. It was a measure warmly urged by General Lee and other distinguished officers. The bill was debated, amended, and passed in the following shape: Section 1. The Congress of the confederate States of America do enact, That the act of Congress aforesaid be, and the same is hereby, repealed: Provided, that organizations of partisan rangers, acting as regular cavalry at the passage of this act, shall be continued in their present organization; Provided they shall hereafter be considered as regular cavalry, and not as partisan range
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 95.-reconnoissance to Dalton, Ga. (search)
was perfectly secure. Nevertheless, Longstreet held, in refererence to our forces there, a menacing position. We did not know exactly how great his strength was. We did know that he might at any time be reenforced either from Johnston's army or Lee's; and it became us to watch him with the utmost vigilance, and, if possible, prevent these reenforcements from reaching him. Any force from Lee's army could join him in spite of us; but in reference to detachments from Johnston, we could do one oLee's army could join him in spite of us; but in reference to detachments from Johnston, we could do one of two things: either we could, by threatening Dalton, prevent them from being sent out at all, or we could intercept them on their way. To effect, if necessary, the latter object, certain dispositions of troops were made, of which I shall not now speak. Of course these dispositions had reference to other and almost as important objects as the one I have mentioned; but these, also, I have not now occasion to mention. Suffice it to say, that with our troops thus disposed, neither Johnston c
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