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Thomas C. DeLeon, Four years in Rebel capitals: an inside view of life in the southern confederacy, from birth to death. 64 0 Browse Search
Col. Robert White, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.2, West Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 11 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 5 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: may 27, 1862., [Electronic resource] 4 2 Browse Search
D. H. Hill, Jr., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 4, North Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 3 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 30, 1863., [Electronic resource] 3 1 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 1 1 Browse Search
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uation of the Peninsula by the Federals was General Lee's movement, to throw beyond the Rapidan a ferate corps now fronted toward the main army of Lee, and the bragging Federal found himself between the small force of Jackson and crush it before Lee could advance to his rescue. Following this plt the same time opening his communications with Lee's advance. In all this, General Stuart gave New glories, too, shone around the names of Lee, Jackson, Longstreet, Hood, Kemper and Jenkins;ll of Harper's Ferry — on the 17th of September-Lee had massed some 35,000 men on the banks of the ing that this time he had really gotten between Lee and Richmond. What was his disgust to find, a straggling fringe of pines. On these hills, Lee massed his artillery, to sweep the whole plain ks, abatis and rifle-pits. Next morning General Lee assaulted in force, all along the line; andre's Hill by assault. This acted as a check to Lee, who was forced to detach McLaws' division to d[8 more...]
the story came South revulsion and discontent Lee not blamed Strictures on non-retaliation the pected to do so on their own. It seems that Lee's intention was to flank Meade; and leaving himn, or had that battle never been fought. If Lee's intention was to flank Meade and avoid a fighstruck in detail and secure his communications, Lee was forced to recall Ewell and to concentrate h and demoralize the only army in that section. Lee's defeat, on the other hand, would jeopardy hisal struggle must be made for Cemetery Heights. Lee must win them-and then for victory! All theattle of Gettysburg is over! That night General Lee fell back toward Hagerstown, turning in his000 prisoners. Washington was at our mercy; and Lee would dictate terms of peace from Philadelphia! believe and would see no change of plan in General Lee's forced battle at Gettysburg, instead of ohen, said the people, that was your fault. General Lee could not depend — in a campaign in the hea[4 more...]
turnpike, and I, that on the right. Hood's command was placed on my left to guard the Hagerstown pike. Just before sundown I got up a battery (Lane's) of Cutt's battalion to open upon the Yankee column, advancing toward that pike, while Colonel Stephen Lee brought up another farther on the right. These checked the Yankee advance, and enabled Jackson to take position on Hood's left, and covering any attempt to turn us in that direction. My ranks had been diminished by some additional stragg had been gathered up and placed upon their left. It was now apparent that the Yankees were massing in our front, and that their grand attack would be made upon my position, which was the centre of our line. I sent several urgent messages to General Lee for reenforcements ; but before any arrived, a heavy force (since ascertained to be Franklin's corps) advanced in three parallel lines, with all the precision of a parade day, upon my two brigades. They met with a galling fire, however, recoi
tryCol. Henry E. Coleman   Col. Sol. Williams   13thNorth CarolinaRegimentInfantryCol. Joseph H. HymanJune 13, 1863.  Col. A. M. Scales Promoted Brigadier-General. 14thNorth CarolinaRegimentInfantryCol. R. T. Bennett   Col. W. P. Roberts Promoted Brigadier-General. 15thNorth CarolinaRegimentInfantryCol. Wm. McRaeFeb. 27, 1863.Promoted Brigadier-General. Col. Henry A. Dowd   16thNorth CarolinaRegimentInfantryCol. John S. McElroyJune 1, 1862.  Lt. Col. Wm. A. StoweMay 31, 1862.  Col. Stephen Lee   17thNorth CarolinaRegimentInfantryCol. Wm. F. MartinJuly 27, 1861.  18thNorth CarolinaRegimentInfantryCol. John D. BarryMay 3, 1863.  Col. Robt. H. Cowan   19thNorth CarolinaRegimentCavalryCol. Wm. G. RobinsonSept. 1, 1861.  20thNorth CarolinaRegimentInfantryCol. Nelson SloughJan. 14, 1863.  Col. Thomas F. ToonFeb. 26, 1863.Promoted Brigadier-General. Col. Alf. Iverson, Jr Promoted Brigadier-General. 21stNorth CarolinaRegimentInfantryCol. W. W. KirklandApril 21
e Second Georgia, Col. Edward Johnson, and a North Carolina regiment under Col. Stephen Lee. To further relieve Garnett, General Lee on July 11th ordered Wise to movGeneral Lee on July 11th ordered Wise to move from Charleston upon Parkersburg. But reinforcements and diversion were alike too late. The blow had already fallen. The entire Confederate force on July 8th in. He could not safely make the Parkersburg diversion suggested by Garnett and Lee. Instead he asked that Garnett reinforce the Kanawha army, at the very time thatre, was assigned to the command of the Northwestern army. He was advised by General Lee that, in addition to the forces he would find at Monterey under Jackson, Briountain pass, supported by Rust's Arkansas and Baldwin's Virginia regiments; Colonel Lee's North Carolina regiment was advanced to Elk Mountain pass, supporting the Bath cavalry at Big Spring. Captain Marye's battery was sent forward to Colonel Lee, and 250 Pocahontas militia being mustered in, 80 of them were put on duty as sco
force, under General Morris, threatening Garnett at Laurel hill, had fully 3,000 men and a battery, besides cavalry, while Garnett had near 4,000 of all arms. The opposing forces contained about twice as many Federals as Confederates. On July 1st, Garnett called for additional forces, and Lee informed him, on the 5th, that Col. W. C. Scott, with the Forty-fourth Virginia, had left on the 2d to join him, to be followed promptly by Col. Edward Johnson, with the Twelfth Georgia, and by Col. Stephen Lee, with the Sixth North Carolina. About 4 a. m. on the 11th, Rosecrans, with his brigade, which numbered 1,842 infantry and 75 cavalry, began a flank movement against Pegram, ordering reveille beaten at the usual hour by those left in camp; first marching southward, up the valley of Roaring creek, thence eastward up a hollow and along a spur of Rich mountain, southward of the ones occupied by the Confederates, to the crest of the mountain, and thence along the crest northeast to gain t
ly given to the cause that she so deliberately espoused. How ungrudgingly the State gave of its resources may be illustrated by a few facts. Gen. J. E. Johnston is authority for the statement that for many months previous to its surrender, General Lee's army had been fed almost entirely from North Carolina, and that at the time of his own surrender he had collected provisions enough from the same State to last for some months. Gordon's Organization of the Troops. The blockade steamer Adhe Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh soon followed. The first six were sent to Virginia, the Seventh to Hatteras. These regiments were under the following colonels: Solomon Williams, W. D. Pender, Junius Daniel, R. M. McKinney, Stephen Lee and W. F. Martin. However, many of them were soon reorganized. Between the 15th of June and the 18th of July, the Eighth, Colonel Radcliffe; the Tenth, Colonel Iverson; the Eleventh, Colonel Kirkland; the Twelfth, Colonel Pettigrew; the Thi
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
hemical society upon its organization in 1876, and has continued a member ever since. He was married, August 26, 1869, to Miss Mary M. Payne, of Warrenton, Va., and they have eight living children, four boys and four girls. William D. Hardy William D. Hardy was born in Newberry county, S. C., April 20, 1841. His parents were William E. and Catherine W. Hardy, and he was reared in Newberry county on a farm, receiving his education in the common schools and at an academy taught by Col. Stephen Lee, uncle of Gen. Stephen D. Lee, near Asheville, N. C. On April 13, 1861, he entered the Confederate service as a private in Company K, Fifth South Carolina infantry, his company being known by the name of the Spartan Rifles. He served with this company for twelve months, taking an active part in the first battle of Manassas, and in the spring of 1862, upon the reorganization of the regiment, he was appointed sergeant-major. In the summer of the same year he was made adjutant of the reg
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A Narrative of the service of Colonel Geo. A. Porterfield in Northwestern Virginia in 1861-1861, (search)
orman's, Greenbrier; Captain McChesney's, Rockbridge; Captain Flournoy's, Ashland; Captain Smith's, Ashland. Colonel Edward Johnson's Twelfth Georgia and Colonel Stephen Lee's North Carolina were on the march to join him. Garnett had been, as I believe, influenced by the clamor against me, and instead of assigning me to the commh he was deceived. I wrote, June 11th: It is their intention to occupy the western part of this State to the Alleghanies, and if possible to the Blue Ridge. General Lee, to put him, Garnett, on his guard, at once replied, July 11th: I do not think it probable that the enemy will confine himself to that portion of the northwestook to the future with the same bright anticipations I did at sixteen. Time at last puts all things right. Truly your friend, W. W. Loring. accompanied him in Lee's movement against Cheat Mountain, also against Rosecrans on the Big Sewell Mountain. As heretofore stated, my regiment having the greater part of it been surren
The Daily Dispatch: may 27, 1862., [Electronic resource], The action at Forts Jackson and St. Philip. (search)
ratch on one man's hand and the killing of a trooper's horse in the rear of the battery. Major Walker was over twelve times last winter and fall under fire of 9 inch Dailiness from gunboats with his battery, without a casualty. Lieut. Col. Stephen Lee, of the Hampton Legion Artillery, now commanding the artillery of this division, twice engaged them — field battery against 8- inch shells — without a casualty. When the Evansport batteries were opened on the Seminole and Pocahontasn, and nobody hurt at Gloucester Point. The other day, at the engagement between a part of my command and the enemy at Eltham's Landing, near West Point, one of the enemy's gunboats opened upon a position from which a few moments before Lieut. Col. Lee and Captain Reilly bad in vain endeavored with four pieces to reach the transports; and though the boat got the range with great accuracy, and burst her shells directly over the heads and within a few feet of the 6th North Carolina regiment,