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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 19: Chancellorsville. (search)
tained, that almost all their cavalry had broken through the line of the Rapid Ann in one body, and had invaded the south, followed and watched by the brigade of W. H. Lee, evidently bent upon a grand raid against the Confederate communications. Generals Lee and Jackson now withdrew, and held an anxious consultation. That HookGenerals Lee and Jackson now withdrew, and held an anxious consultation. That Hooker must be attacked, and that speedily, was clear to the judgments of both. It was not to be hoped that the absence of Jackson's corps from the front of Sedgwick could remain very long unknown to that General; or that Early's seven thousand could permanently restrain his corps, with such additions as it might receive from Hooker.roximity to any other which they might adopt. Hooker, then, must be at once fought and beaten, or the initial act of the campaign would close in disaster. General Lee had promptly concluded, that while, on the one hand, immediate attack was proper, some more favorable place for assault must be sought, by moving farther toward
ses.--the following order was officially promulgated at the Headquarters of the army at Washington: Commanding Officer Fort Monroe, Colonel Ludlow, Agent for the Exchange of Prisoners of War: The President directs that you immediately place W. H. Lee and another officer selected by you, not below the rank of captain, prisoners of war, in close confinement and under strong guards; and that you notify Mr. R. Ould, confederate agent for exchange of prisoners of war, that if Captain H. W. Sawye, the afore-mentioned prisoners will be immediately hung in retaliation. It is also directed, that immediately on receiving official or other authentic information of the execution of Captain Sawyer and Captain Flynn, you will proceed to hang General Lee and the other rebel officer designated, as herein above directed, and that you notify Robert Ould, Esq., of said. proceedings, and assure him that the Government of the United States will proceed to retaliate for every similar barbarous viola
ird instant, as prohibited peaceable citizens from being out after nine o'clock P. M., provided that they are not in parties of more than three, was rescinded.--General Lee's army was in full retreat, the Nationals following rapidly. Hopes were entertained that the whole army of rebels would be captured.--at Frederick, Md., a rebehad been previously captured, and made his escape. He admitted the charge, and said that he had been in the business a long time. Important communications between Lee and Ewell were found on his person.--Major-General Oglesby resigned command of the left wing, Sixteenth army corps, army of the Tennessee, in consequence of the effonsequence of the effects of a severe wound which he received in the battle at Corinth, in October last.--the Richmond Sentinel published an elaborate article, setting forth the plan of General Lee for his movement into Pennsylvania. The most important part of it was to quit the defensive and assume the offensive toward the enemy.
t the Rio Grande, Texas, by a party of men, belonging to the National gunboat Scioto.--A detachment of National cavalry, under the command of Captain Greenfield and Lieutenant Kelley, of General Kelley's command, captured a train of fifteen wagons, sixty mules, two officers and twenty men, with their horses, at a point four miles from Williamsport, Md.--there was a heavy freshet in the Potomac River, which, it was supposed, would prevent the crossing of the retreating army under the rebel General Lee.--General Dabney H. Maury, commanding the rebel department of the Gulf, at Mobile, Ala., issued the following to the citizens of that place and its vicinity: The calamity which has befallen our arms at Vicksburgh has a peculiar significance for you. Mobile may be attacked within a very short time, and we must make every preparation for its successful defence. All able-bodied men within the limits of the city and county must at once organize into companies, and report for duty i
2.) The siege of Jackson, Miss., was commenced this day by the Union forces under General Grant. It began by skirmishing on the Clinton road with musketry and. artillery; shells were thrown into the city, and several persons were killed and wounded.--Mobile Advertiser, July 18. An artillery and cavalry battle took place at a point on the road from Boonsboro to Hagerstown, Md., between the Union forces under Generals Buford and Kilpatrick, and the rebels belonging to the army of General Lee.--(Doc. 82.) Major-General Schenck, from his headquarters at Baltimore, issued an order regulating the treatment of rebel prisoners in his department.--the Mayor of Lynchburgh, Va., issued a proclamation to the citizens of that place, requesting them to suspend business on Friday afternoons, in order that the members of the different military organizations might have an opportunity of attending regularly the drills of their respective companies. . . . . It is high time, said he, that
Creek destroyed, and the rebels driven entirely from the river.--the case of Clement L. Vallandigham was elaborately discussed in the New Yord World.--Fort Powhatan, on the James River, Va., was taken possession of by the National fleet under Admiral Lee. The rebels had removed the guns before evacuting the Fort.--the draft was resisted, and a riot broke out in New York City. The offices of the provost-marshals were burned, the machinery for the drawing destroyed, telegraph wires cut, railroad tracks torn up, private houses sacked, the Colored Orphan Asylum burned, and a number of the police force badly injured, among them Superintendent Kennedy.--(See Supplement. ) The rebel army under General Lee crossed the Potomac River at Williamsport, and escaped.--(Doc. 95.) Yazoo City, Miss., was captured by a combined naval and military National force. Rear-Admiral D. D. Porter, hearing that General Johnston was fortifying the place and gathering troops there for the purpose
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 20: Peace conference at Hampton Roads.--the campaign against Richmond. (search)
infantry, and Fitzhugh Lee's, Rosser's, and W. H. Lee's commands. from the front of the Union cavapost, cut off their retreat in the direction of Lee's main force, and turning southward on that higan assault the next morning. Apprehensive that Lee might withdraw his troops from the intrenchment triumph in cutting that very important line of Lee's communications, was achieved. At about the swith Benning's, of field's division, and joined Lee at ten o'clock that morning. So strong did LeeLee feel, that he ordered a charge on the besiegers, to regain some of the works on his left, carried last blow struck for the defense of Richmond by Lee's Army. In that movement, General A. P. Hill, one of Lee's best officers, and who had been conspicuous throughout the War, was shot dead while reconnoitering. Lee now perceived that he could no longer hold Petersburg or the capital, with safment. so Early as the First of February, General Lee called General Ewell's attention to that or
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 21: closing events of the War.--assassination of the President. (search)
to be left at Amelia Court-House for the use of Lee's army on its retreat, and these were among thees near Farmville. These troops met the van of Lee's army there, and attacked it, so as to arrest man left in the Confederacy. The remains of Lee's army were now in a compact mass on the stage l properly exchanged. He then proposed to meet Lee in person, or to delegate officers to meet suche Appomattox, skirmished with the rear-guard of Lee's forces, and unsuccessfully tried to bring on the Appomattox, to gain some point in front of Lee, and oppose his march on Lynchburg. In that direction Lee was hurrying, along the narrowing neck of land between the head-waters of the Appomattourt-House, five miles northward, near which was Lee's main body, capturing twenty-five guns, a hospying Confederates, with a determination to hold Lee in check there until morning, when the detachme) command and the wreck of Longstreet's corps. Lee directed the former to cut through at all hazar[50 more...]
lled him to fall back rapidly to the vicinity of the Five Forks, and General Sheridan, on advancing with the cavalry, found him slightly intrenched there. This force proved to be a complete division of the enemy's infantry, and all the cavalry of Lee's army. I received an order from General Meade, after joining General Sheridan, to report to him for duty, which I did, and the corps was halted by his direction at the point where we joined him, about eight A. M. At one P. M. I was directed totion on the Ford Road at the crossing of Hatcher's Run. I cannot speak too highly of the conduct of the troops in this battle, and of the gallantry of their commanding officers, who appeared to realize that the success of the campaign and fate of Lee's army depended upon it. They merit the thanks of the country and reward of the government. To Generals Griffin, Ayres, Bartlett, and Crawford, of the Fifth corps, and to Generals Merritt, Custer, Devin, and McKenzie of the cavalry, great credit
in it, with the presence of Burnside's force on our right, rendered a movement on the enemy's rear with our inferior force extremely hazardous, if not impracticable. It was, therefore, determined to meet him in front whenever he should emerge from the mountain gorges. To do this and hold Chattanooga was impossible, without such a division of our small force as to endanger both parts. Accordingly our troops were put in position on the seventh and eighth of September, and took position from Lee and Gordon's Mill to Lafayette, on the road leading south from Chattanooga and fronting the east slope of Lookout Mountain. The forces on the Hiawassee and at Chickamauga Station took the route by Ringgold. A small cavalry force was left in observation at Chattanooga, and a brigade of infantry, strongly supported by cavalry, was left at Ringgold to hold the railroad and protect it from raids. As soon as our movement was known to the enemy, his corps nearest Chattanooga, and which had bee