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The Daily Dispatch: November 26, 1863., [Electronic resource] 11 1 Browse Search
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From Gen. Lee's Army. [from our own Correspondent.] Army of Northern Virginia,Near Orange C. H, Nov., 24, 1863. After an absence of four weeks from the Army of Northern Virginia, I find upond by the cars on Saturday, in the afternoon train, and proceeded at once to the headquarters of Gen. Lee, with whom he has since been sojourning. On Sunday the President and Gen. Lee attended the EpiGen. Lee attended the Episcopal Church at Orange Court-House, and listened to a most excellent discourse from Rev. Dr. (now General) Pendleton, Chief of Artillery of this army. It is said that the President will review t, is about to be promoted to the rank of Brigadier General, and will probably be as signed Gen. W. Hi F. Lee's brigade, which he has been commanding, as senior Colonel, since Gen. Lee was wounded. Gen. Lee was wounded. The rain of Saturday last has converted the solid, brick like soil of the preceding day into a soft, paste-like mire, which, by the constant stream of travel, is rendered almost an embargo on milit
paired. There was no foundation for the report that Prof. F. M. Stevens was teaching the negro school at the Methodist Church. He had nothing to do with this dark institution of learning. The Yankees were constructing a railroad along Cherry to Jackson street, and the work was progressing rapidly. The negro draymen were loud in their complaints against this enterprise, saying that the Yankees were building the railroad just to cheat them out of their rights. There was a general stagnation of business, and no encouragement given to any department of trade by those in authority. Some of the citizens seemed to take this as an indication that the Yankees expected not to be able to hold the city long, though the fortifications were being strengthened and extended. The houses of Capt James Cowan, Benj. Hardaway, and Mrs. Irvin, had been torn down to give place to fortifications. The Yankees appeared to live and move in a state of trepidation from fear of Lee's cavalry.