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ment will be finally and fully successful. A base will be secured on the sea, from which our lines of communication will be assailed, and an effort made to isolate Lee's army in Virginia and to cut off its supplies. The grand object he has in view, however, is not the destruction of railway lines and the reduction of Savannah anlp him to an end; and that end — which is the real object of his advance to the sea and of Grant's present comprehensive combinations — is the complete isolation of Lee's army and the enforced evacuation of Virginia by the Confederates. The enemy, once in possession of Savannah, Charleston and Wilmington, would be in a position tochville; and, if Sherman's success extend to Charleston, it will require an army to defend it. It may well be doubted, therefore, whether the President and General Lee, looking alone to the security of Richmond and Virginia — which it is feared engrosses too much the attention of both — did not lose an opportunity to place th
The Daily Dispatch: December 31, 1864., [Electronic resource], Burial of the Yankee Minister at Paris. (search)
The soldiers' New-year's dinner. --This is the last day in which to prepare for the dinner intended for the soldiers of General Lee's army on New-Year's day. The collection of cooked and uncooked fowls and meats, up to yesterday afternoon, at the Ballard House, was such as but few persons ever witnessed before, and yet, in the opinion of those in charge, a further supply will be needed.--The Treasurer, Mr. John J. Wilson, calls for a continuance of contributions in money and provisions.
Two Hundred Dollars reward --Left the residence of the undersigned, in this city, on Tuesday morning, 27th instant, his servant boy, Sam. Said boy is about five feet six or seven inches high; light gingerbread color, about fifteen years old; quite likely and intelligent, with short woolly hair. He has been employed for a few months as an officer's servant, and it is probable that he is now with General Lee's army in that capacity. The above reward will be paid for his delivery at the Tredegar Iron Works or any jail in this city. William E. Tanner. de 29--5t*
Two Hundred Dollars reward. --The above reward will be given for the apprehension and delivery of Tom, a stout built man, about twenty-five years old, dark skin, about five feet four inches high, and wears whiskers. I understand he has been seen in Manchester during the last two or three weeks. If caught, to be delivered to me in Chesterfield, or to Lee & Bowman, in Richmond. James W. Martin, Executor of James Martin. de 28--eod6t