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promise embracing the restoration of the Union, in what way can that compromise be used to keep Gen. Lee's army out of Pennsylvania? Gen. Meade's army can keep Lee's army out of Pennsylvania, and I thLee's army out of Pennsylvania, and I think can ultimately drive it out of existence, but no paper compromise to which the controllers of Gen. Lee's army are not agreed can at all affect that army. In an effort at such compromise we wouldGen. Lee's army are not agreed can at all affect that army. In an effort at such compromise we would waste time which the enemy would improve to our disadvantage, and that would be all. A compromise, to be effective, must be made either with those who control the army or with the people first l A dispatch from Washington; dated the 1st inst., has the following about expected movements by Gen. Lee on the Rappahannock: A report reached Washington to-day that a large number of the rebel a movement is not improbable, the report needs confirmation. Later.--The reported movement of Lee across the Rappahannock at Port Conway yesterday is not generally credited, but important movemen
The Daily Dispatch: September 7, 1863., [Electronic resource], Address to the people of North Carolina. (search)
Address to the people of North Carolina. --The committee appointed by the North Carolina troops in Gen. Lee's army to prepare an address to the people of that State, counteracting the treacherous aims of a faction of designing men, has discharged its duty. The address appears in print. We have room for only the concluding portion of it: Let there is yet a consideration to which your attention has not been invited. The systematic violation of all the laws of civilized warfare by the enemy has not been without its natural influence in inflaming our resentment and exciting towards him extreme hatred. He has no respect to the inviolability of private property or the personal liberty of non-combatants. He has made war upon innocent and defenceless old men, women, and children, by driving them as refugees from their homes, burning their dwellings, and taking from them their means of subsistence. He has employed in his service — in command of his armies — beasts in human sh
great republican tyranny which is now raising its head on the North American continent that we again record our conviction of the ultimate success of the military means the North has set to work to crush the heroic efforts of the South. If Gen. Lee is now able to give one knockdown blow to the Federals and seize Washington, or even if he should rout the Army of the Potomac, the effect will be so great that another year will be gained, and with it who knows what gain, may be obtained for the Confederates. But should Gen. Lee remain inactive, or permit the Federal armies to sweep around into his rear — to flood the Confederacy and overlap all his communications — Richmond may become a mere capet morturn, and the South and all be lost. The London Globe regards peace as still distant, but the issue not doubtful. It says that the South may be mangled and exhausted, but must win in the end, temporary defeats to the contrary notwithstanding. The Confederate loan on the 21st