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From Mississippi — enemy retiring. Demopolis, Feb. 23. --The enemy's forces along the line of the Mobile and Ohio railroad are making a retrograde movement in the direction of the Mississippi river. Their mounted infantry in North Mississippi are also retiring, being closely pressed by Forrest and Lee.
he intentions of their Generals, and not unfrequently betray them before the time appointed for their execution. The New York Times --the great military paper of the Yankee nation — had no doubt that Sherman's movement was part of a grand military combination, which was to put the whole of Alabama in possession of their army, to turn the flank and rear of Johnston, and, in a word, to put an end to the rebellion. A screw — probably more than one screw — was evidently loose somewhere. Farragut did not come up to time, or Forrest and Lee were too active for the Yankee cavalry, or Gen. Polk's position on the Bigbee was too strong for an army who carried all their supplies in their haversacks, or something of that nature, we may be assured, arrested the march. Whether it will be renewed, will, we presume, depend very much upon the activity of our troops in the pursuit; for, it seems to us, that if the people of the country yield the assistance they ought, Sherman must be annihila
The Daily Dispatch: February 25, 1864., [Electronic resource], The movements of the enemy in Mississippi. (search)
have of the enemy's movements in Mississippi will be found under our telegraphic head. From this it will be observed that Sherman is moving back from Meridian with as much celerity as attended his march from Vicksburg to the Alabama border. With the extent of the preparations made to intercept his retrograde movement we are not at all familiar, but presume our authorities have hardly permitted so favorable an opportunity to pass without adequate arrangements for a proper chastisement of such Yankee insolence. Unless forced to do so, Sherman will not re-cross the Big Black in his retreat, but will halt at Jackson until his forces are sufficiently recruited to undertake another expedition to the rich counties in Eastern Mississippi. His retreat was evidently the result of the future of Grierson to unite with him, and from the slight information we have we are justified in hoping that Forrest and Lee have completely intercepted and will make proper disposition of this marauder.
Runaway. --$200 Reward.--Ran away from the subscriber, on yesterday, my boy Hardy. Said boy is about 20 or 21 years old, very black, and has a few scars about the left law. The above reward of $200 will be paid for his delivery to Messrs Lee & Bowman. Richmond, or secured in any jail so that I get him. James Via. [fe 23--ts]
The Daily Dispatch: February 25, 1864., [Electronic resource], Three hundred Federal recruits drugged and robbed. (search)
200 dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber, on the 19th inst, my boy Austen. The said boy is about 16 years old, about five feet high, and of a light brown complexion. He took with him my dark bay horse, small in size, but compact and in good order. Austen has a high forehead but narrow, and his hair extends very low on either side. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to Messrs Lee & Bowman, in Richmond, or secured in any jail, and the recovery of the horse. D. Scott, Westland P. O., Essex co, Va. ja 26--ts