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lt as though I could not take the gifts, after all that had passed, and I told the woman, Madam, we are here as your enemies. We have lodged under your roof because we could not help ourselves. Let us part as enemies. Our strongest desire is that we may live to be reunited with our regiment, that we may raid through this country and make war terrible to it. Don't make us feel that we are under obligations to a human being in this whole land. She answered: I have two boys, soldiers with Lee in the army of Virginia. If they should ever be captured and brought to your mother, so destitute as you are, I would want her to do something for them, and I want to do something for you. Our own army has made so many requisitions on us that there is but little left that I could spare. I would like to give you some warm clothing, but I have none. This quilt may afford some shelter from the wintry winds, and these socks will be some protection to your feet. You won't refuse them? I bit
oked in amazement at our haggard countenances, meager skeletons and filthy rags. The captain told us that it was but three miles to Jacksonville, and that he would go and have tents and rations ready for us. We came to the infantry picket-line, and there dropped down for a few minutes' rest. There were probably three hundred of us together, forming the head of our column. While we were resting we asked the officer of the guard for news, and he told us that Richmond had fallen,--that Lee had surrendered,--that Johnson had surrendered to Sherman,--that the Confederacy had gone to staves, and that Lincoln was dead! It is no use trying to describe the effect of this news on men in our condition. My readers would not understand it-language is too feeble. We did not need rest after we heard the news. We were not a bit tired. We arose and started toward the town, which was yet three-fourths of a mile distant. About half way to town we met a field band and colors. W
are in full bloom; the cinnamon rose is bursting its buds; gooseberries are as large as a bean, or larger; nearly all the apple trees have cast their blossoms. Every tree, without exception, is covered with foliage; grass is a foot high, and in some places two or three feet. Every grove is vocal with birds. An absentee farm. Further on--three miles and a half from Alexandria — is the farm of Mr. David Barber, of New York, an absentee proprietor, which is rented from year to year, by Mr. Lee.some, a Virginian, who was also the agent, I ascertained, to sell it to the highest or the earliest bidder. After mature reflection, I concluded that it might pay me to buy it, if I could spare the money, and the price was reasonable. I accordingly went up to the house to make the usual preliminary investigations. It is an old, large, once-whitepainted house, which, like the edifice we read of in sacred writ, is set on a hill that it cannot be hid. It is built on what a Yankee would
nemy. Grant's skilful manoeuvres. his hold on Lee. General Butler's movement. Grant disappointermy. Grant chooses Lee's route. the pursuit. Lee in a Strait. correspondence. the interview atsylvania, for the purpose of placing it between Lee's army and the rebel capital, or forcing him torther from Washington, nearer to Richmond. But Lee, also, had made preparations to move; and, havisources, and tenacity of purpose. He had found Lee's army stronger than he had hoped, and he had nide of the James. But he still had his hold on Lee, and he kept it to the end. A part of Grant'ng any very large force to create a diversion. Lee, indeed, undertook one such diversion by sendinounded the rebel armies, and his tactics forced Lee to retreat by a line north of the Appomattox, od to meet Lee to discuss the terms of peace. Lee soon found that his case was more hopeless thanances would allow, the latter conversed apart. Lee's endeavor to secure terms which should include[15 more...]
the soldiers of the East and of the West. his fidelity to his soldiers. Sharing their hardships. his army always supplied. his men protected from imposition. the steam-boat captain. the respect and confidence of the army. The surrender of Lee was soon followed by like submission of the other rebel armies. But Johnston, under instructions from the fugitive rebel government, attempted to gain from Sherman what Lee had failed to obtain from Grant,--a negotiation for the settlement of civLee had failed to obtain from Grant,--a negotiation for the settlement of civil as well as military matters. Sherman, less prudent than Grant, and anxious to secure peace, agreed with Johnston upon terms which confessedly exceeded his authority, and which assumed to settle some political questions contrary to the principles on which the war had been necessarily conducted. More able as a soldier than he was as a politician or diplomatist, he had agreed to terms which were considered by government and people entirely inadmissible, but having no intention of transcending
soldiers did not wish to see all that blood and treasure wasted, and all the toils, burdens, and sufferings of those four long years borne in vain. If the rebels, humbled and penitent, would accept in good faith the results of their foolish and wicked contest, and seek to restore the Union upon a permanent basis of freedom and justice, he was disposed to treat them leniently. It was in the hope of securing such a disposition on the part of the rebels that he had granted magnanimous terms to Lee's army, and by that precedent to all the rebels in arms. When, not long after the war, he made a tour of inspection at the South, he was encouraged by the conduct of most of those with whom he came in contact to believe that the great majority of the late rebels did honestly accept the situation, and were ready to submit to such conditions as the government might impose, in order to resume their relations with the Union, and restore the exhausted resources of their states. Such, undoubtedly
pacity, made him his cavalry commander, and sent him to the Shenandoah to defeat Early, and to Five Forks to break through Lee's lines. Thomas, McPherson, and others, were in like manner indebted to Grant for promotion and opportunities; and each oy the absence of all ceremony at Headquarters, ventured to address the commander, and inquired,-- General, if you flank Lee, and get between him and Richmond, will you not uncover Washington, and leave it a prey to the enemy? I reckon so, repl discharging a cloud of smoke, perhaps to conceal a quiet smile. The visitor, encouraged, again asked, Do you not think Lee can detach a sufficient force from his army to reenforce Beauregard, and overwhelm Butler? Not a doubt of it, replied Geadily accepted by Grant, asked again, Is there not danger, general, that Johnston may come up from Carolina and reenforce Lee, so that with overwhelming numbers he can swing round and cut off your communications and seize your supplies? Very lik
s started; and from this time until he received Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House, four yeaualities. He had not the pathos and dignity of Lee, his power of captivating the admiring intereston transports up the James River, but meanwhile Lee's army were to remain whole and unimpaired, theloss must have been incurred had Grant attacked Lee's lines in front of Richmond; and therefore croolinas, ready to join with Grant in moving upon Lee in the spring. Sheridan made himself master ofy and Richmond itself now drew their supplies. Lee had already informed his government that he cousome sharp fighting for a day or two still; but Lee's army was crumbling away, and on the 9th of Apo I was. When I went into the house I found General Lee. We greeted each other, and, after shakingthe war unless duly and properly exchanged. Lee acquiesced, and Grant, who throughout the interraph to the Secretary of War at Washington: General Lee surrendered the army of Northern Virginia t[16 more...]
An English officer asserts that he met one of Gen. Johnston's aids in New York on Sunday, and that he personally knew him to be such. The rebel spy — for he was nothing else — told the Englishman that Messrs. Davis, Beauregard, Lee and Co. consider their victory at Bull Run as a defeat, in comparison with what they expected and ought to have made it. They had their lines so skilfully arranged as to draw us within and beyond their flanks — to catch us in the most deadly kind of trap, attack us with shot, and musketry, and horse, from every side at once, and enforce a wholesale surrender of the grand army of the Potomac. They had been fighting, he says, all day, in such wise as merely to indicate a determined defence, and by a gradual retreat had nearly lured us into the desired position, when all their plan was defeated by the mistaken enthusiasm of Col. Kirby Smith. That officer brought on the railroad reinforcements from Winchester, and, instead of going straight to the Junct<
but contend for the principles which lie at the foundation of our social, political, and religious polity. The result of this conversation was, that our beloved Bishop was induced to accept the appointment which was urged upon him, and for which he is particularly fitted by birth, education, and talents. Bishop Polk is a native of Tennessee, and at an early age entered the Military Academy at West Point, where he graduated with distinguished honors, a contemporary of President Davis, Gen. Lee, Gen. Johnston, and Gen. Magruder. All of these gentlemen remember his talents and proficiency, and have urged his appointment from the beginning with an unanimous voice. The command of Major-General Polk extends from the mouth of the Arkansas River, on both sides of the Mississippi, to the northernmost limits of the Confederate States. It takes in the encampment at Corinth, Mississippi, where there are about 15,000 men assembled, the northern portion of the State of Alabama, and the S
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