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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 23, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John Letcher or search for John Letcher in all documents.
Your search returned 6 results in 5 document sections:
Reported collision in Maryland!
New York Seventh Regiment Cut to Pieces by Marylanders!
Glorious Deed of A gallant people.
The following dispatch was received by Gov. Letcher to-day:
Alexandria,April 22 --Lieut. Charles Carroll Simms, late of the U. S. Navy, and attached to the Navy-Yard at Washington until 1 o'clock to-day, has just arrived here, and reports that reliable information has reached Washington that the 7th Regiment of New York was literally cut to pieces this morning, between Annapolis and Marlborough, by the Maryland troops. C. E. Stuart. Col. 175th Regt. [We received nothing last night confirmatory of the above report.]
By the Governor of Virginia a Proclamation.
--By virtue of authority vested in the Executive by the Convention.
I John Letcher, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, do hereby order that each volunteer company, equipped and armed, whether of Infantry, Artillery or Riflemen, in the counties lying west of the city of Richmond, between Richmond and the Blue Ridge and in the Valley of Virginia, from the county of Rockbridge to the Tennessee line, establish forthwith on the lines of speedy red that officers of all grades on the line of the Potomac river render obedience to the orders of Gen. Philip St. Geo. Cocke, who has been assigned to the command that section of the military operations of the state bounded by said river.
Given under my hand, as Governor, and under the Seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, 21st April, 1861. and in the 55th year of the Commonwealth. [Signed] John Letcher. By the Governor: George W. Munford. Secretary of the Commonwealth. ap 22--d3t
Capt. Macauley and Lieut. Rogers, lately at the Portsmouth Navy-Yard, arrived last night, and had an interview with Governor Letcher.
They are stopping at the Spotswood House.
The nature of their business was not divulged.