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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 19, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Abe Lincoln or search for Abe Lincoln in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: April 19, 1861., [Electronic resource], By telegraph. (search)
Worthy of notice.
--The Montgomery Confederation, of the 14th inst., makes the following announcement:
The Hon. James A. Bayard, U. S. Senator from the State of Delaware, is sojourning in our city.
It is whispered around that this distinguished gentleman has visited the South, preparatory to making a great effort to rid the people in his own State from the Black Republican yoke.
Mr. Bullock, of Kentucky, nephew of Senator Breckinridge, and Mr. Todd, also of Kentucky, and brother to Mrs. Lincoln, are also in our city.
The latter gentleman, we understand, has visited this city for the purpose of offering his services to the President of the Confederate States; and although old Abe is his brother-in-law, he is notwithstanding the more willing to join our own forces in a crusade against the Black Republican power.
Patriotism is not at a discount in Kentucky.
The Daily Dispatch: April 19, 1861., [Electronic resource], Facts and rumors from Washington . (search)
Secession of Virginia.
The announcement that the Convention of Virginia had passed an Ordinance of Secession was received with the most universal and profound satisfaction.
There are no longer in Virginia two parties.
The Union men and the Secessionists are arrayed in a solid band of brotherhood under the Flag of Virginia.--The only rivalry is which shall do and suffer most in defence of our common honor against the monstrous despotism at Washington.--Lincoln's Proclamation has accomplished the union of all parties in Virginia and the South.
The Ordinance of Secession is the answer of the Convention to that Proclamation, and the action of the Convention is but the echo of the People's Will.
The old Union, for which our fathers fought and bled, has been willfully sacrificed by a Black Republican despot, and he now seeks to wrench from us our Liberty and Independence.
Virginia, which led the van in the war of 76, now meets him on the threshold.
She has been slow to act,
The Daily Dispatch: April 19, 1861., [Electronic resource], By telegraph. (search)
The survey schooner.
It is a curious fact that whilst Virginia has vataly endeavored for about thirty years to induce the General Government to make a survey of James River, that work is begun on the eve of secession.
It has become suddenly important that the shoals, bars, rocks, &c., of James River, especially in the immediate vicinity of Richmond, should be known to the Government.
Of course, the meaning of all this is plain enough.
Almost from the moment of Lincoln's inauguration, it has been intended to strike a blow at Richmond, and cut off the ures to which the South looks for the supply of its arms.
But nothing is caster than to defind such a river as the James and the York, if timely defences are created.
Richmond can be made impregnable against any attack by water, and, if we go to work at once, by land also.
But there is not a minute to lose, and every moment of time is more precious than gold.
An English Journal on Lincoln.
The London Examiner, which is said to be one of the ablest, as well as the sharpest and shrewdest, journals published in the metropolis of Great Britain, commenting upon the course and policy of Mr. Lincoln, says, with great point:
"There is a bird which is said to provide for its safety byMr. Lincoln, says, with great point:
"There is a bird which is said to provide for its safety by putting its head into a hole, so as not to see its, enemy.
A bird of this feather is President Lincoln.
His method of dealing with a great evil is not to see it, and to deny its existence.
The Union is intact — the Union is unbroken, because it is theoretically indissoluble.
No State can have seceded from it, because no State President Lincoln.
His method of dealing with a great evil is not to see it, and to deny its existence.
The Union is intact — the Union is unbroken, because it is theoretically indissoluble.
No State can have seceded from it, because no State has the right to secede, and consequently the Union exists, and must forever exist, in all its integrity.
There is no Southern Confederacy--it is a mere name — a titular pretension, no reality.--'We are seven,' persists the child in Words-worth's poem, the death of two of the number not disturbing the idea fixed in the affections.<
The spirit of the men in power.
The worst days of the French revolution never exhibited a more demoniac spirit than that which animates the Cabinet at Washington.
The following is from their organ, the " National Republican," at Washington:
"Fort Pickens is already reinforced, and while the arrogant and inflated leaders at Montgomery are dreaming of an advance upon the capital, the sands are well nigh run out of their career of which every day is only one step towards exit, or the gallows."
If all the rules of civilized warfare are to be discarded, it is time that we should know it. If the Southern leaders are to be hung when you catch them, the Northern leaders will be hung.
If Jeff. Davis and his associates are threatened with the rope, let Abe Lincoln and his Cabinet look out for their own necks.
Massachusetts troops ordered to Virginia.
We know no greater outrage that Lincoln could offer Virginia than to order a regiment of Massachusetts soldiers to Fort Monroe.--We are sorry that the people of Virginia are not better prepared to give them a reception according to their deserts.
But if they are patient, we will hurry up as quickly as possible such an entertainment as is eminently due these distinguished visitors.
If they do not one and all fill a "bloody grave" upon this soil, we much mistake the temper of the Virginia people.
The Daily Dispatch: April 19, 1861., [Electronic resource], Facts and rumors from Washington . (search)