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filled with the fair sex, who sanctioned the proceedings by the waving of handkerchiefs, &c. Midway in the procession, between the two lines, was the effigy of Abe Lincoln, with the following placard suspended in the right hand: "Abe Lincoln, First President Northern Confederacy." The effigy was ridden on a rail, and carried by twAbe Lincoln, First President Northern Confederacy." The effigy was ridden on a rail, and carried by two negroes. After marching through the principal streets, the effigy was taken to a scaffold and hung by the negroes in charge of the same; the fire being applied, it was speedily consumed amid the cheers of the multitude. A very large meeting took place in New Orleans on Saturday night, at which nearly 3,000 " Minute Men" wer. Judge Cotton said he was glad to see the citizens representing all parties zealous in the cause of Southern rights. If you submit to the inauguration of Abe Lincoln, you deserve to be slaves. You must not wait for an overt act. The overt act has been committed. He would submit to no Lincoln office-holders in the city of N
s were showered on him by the ladies from the balconies along the route of the procession. At Mobile he was interrogated as to whether he would take office under Lincoln, and answered in the following style: "I have only to say, that I cannot believe that any man reputed to be a gentleman could put such questions to me. [Immapplause.] There is no language with which I can express my scorn and contempt for the wretch who would intimate that in any contingency I would take office under Lincoln.--[Applause.] The man who would propound such a question to me would sell himself in an instant to Lincoln or any other man who would offer him his price." [Greatre is no language with which I can express my scorn and contempt for the wretch who would intimate that in any contingency I would take office under Lincoln.--[Applause.] The man who would propound such a question to me would sell himself in an instant to Lincoln or any other man who would offer him his price." [Great applause.]
Vote of Philadelphia We had seen it announced, and so stated, that there would be no opposition to the Lincoln ticket in Philadelphia, but we are pleased to correct this mistake, which, so far as we are concerned, was entirely unintentional.--The Union ticket received a strong support in Philadelphia, although not strong enough to prevent the Black Republicans from carrying the city. We are not deterred from making this admission by the coarse terms and swinish truculence in which our attention is called to the subject by the Philadelphia Ledger, whose wrath is provoked by our invitation to Southern students to support their own Colleges, and which makes known its displeasure at the attempt to withdraw the contents of its trough, after the manner common to animals of its species. It is sufficient to say that the Medical College of this city and its friends in the South are as incapable of promoting the fortunes of that institution by willful deception as the Philadelphia Ledge
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.Fatal accident, &c. Balcony Falls, Va., Nov. 10. A valuable negro, the property of Captain Lancelot Partlow, of Spotsylvania, employed by Mr. Chas. H. Locher, on his James River Cement Works here, was killed on the 10th inst., by becoming entangled on a shaft. He was literally torn to pieces, and every bone in his body broken. There is a deep feeling against the election of Lincoln here, and it is increasing.
The vote of the Northern cities. --Lincoln carries every Northern city except New York, Brooklyn and Milwaukee. Philadelphia gives the largest plurality for Lincoln, and Boston comes next. The vote of the Northern cities. --Lincoln carries every Northern city except New York, Brooklyn and Milwaukee. Philadelphia gives the largest plurality for Lincoln, and Boston comes next.