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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Abe Lincoln or search for Abe Lincoln in all documents.
Your search returned 11 results in 3 document sections:
Yankee Inconsistency.
The friends of Abe Lincoln not only acknowledge that he has violated the Constitution of the Unit d George III and Lord North do, but the very things which Lincoln and his tools are doing now?
Did they not proclaim us Reb all persons caught in arms against his majesty?
Have not Lincoln and his myridoms done the very same thing?
Did not Sir Wm writers as a very small affair?
Has it not been copied by Lincoln's Secretary of War, in apparent anxiety to imitate his mod all the ships in the world to have blockaded it. What has Lincoln done but the very same thing which the King in Council the was so sensible that it was adopted by Europe generally.
Lincoln, however, will make war on Great Britain if that country efused.
Now, it says privateering is piracy!
How can Lincoln expect Europe to acquiesce in all these glaring inconsiste m, and would sooner have come to blows than permit it. Does Lincoln suppose that the world is ignorant of all these things?