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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Abraham Lincoln or search for Abraham Lincoln in all documents.
Your search returned 13 results in 3 document sections:
A Scathing Explosions of Lincoln's Absurdities.[from the London telegraph, July 19.]
Besides the startlin nt defended Fort Sumter.
We do not remember that Mr. Lincoln and his friends have ever been as a lted by the c onsummated." So, on the strength of that fear, President Lincoln did venture to defend Fort Sumter?
The th ng and complete as it is. One argument upon which Mr. Lincoln and his friends appear strongly to rely is, that e Legislatures or of a National Convention.
Yes, Mr. Lincoln makes the astounding assertion that no State can the sublime and the proverbial trifle beyond.
If Mr. Lincoln had read the history of Virginia to himself he wo al bungling through all its intricacies for while Mr. Lincoln is uttering for each State this broad and unquali sely what the seceding States proclaim.
If it is Mr. Lincoln's purpose to mitigate the mistrust and hostility y in the Northern as well as the Southern States, Mr. Lincoln's party has done its best to suppress the friendl