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48. our President. 1864. Abram Lincoln knows the ropes! All our hopes Centre now about the brave and true; Let us help him as we can, He's the man, Honest for the country through and through. Others good, perhaps, as he There may be; Have we tried them in the war-time's flame? Do we know if they will stand, Heart in hand, Seeking for the Right in Heaven's name? Let the Nation ask him, then, Once again To hold the rudder in this stormy sea; Tell him that each sleepless night, Dark to light, Ushers in a morning for the Free. Let us not forget our rude Gratitude! But lend our servant the poor crown we may! Give him four more years of toil, Task and moil, Knowing God shall crown him in His day!
d in the water as if dead, and the fiends, supposing him dead, departed. The same crowd went to the house of Madison Ritchie, the conscripting officer, and took him out of his bed and drove him in front of them some two or three miles to Paint Rach River, and made him wade in about midway, and shot him, putting seven balls through his body. These were all unoffending citizens. Benjamin Raden was an old man, sixty-three years old. They hung an overseer — who had formerly taken the oath to Lincoln — his sole offence consisting in assisting his employer to get his stock across the river. They put a notice on the tree, that it would be death for any one to take his body down. They went to P. Rallins, formerly a captain in Colonel Hale's regiment, who had resigned in consequence of ill-health, and robbed him of several thousand dollars, giving him ten minutes to cross the Tennessee River, and threatening to hang him, and leave him hanging till the buzzards should pick his eyes out, if
ze us as an independent people and help us fight; that the Yankees could not fight; that one of us could whip ten Yankees; that Chattanooga could never be taken; that Vicksburgh could never be taken; that the Peace party of the North would force Lincoln to make peace with the South; that we soldiers should be discharged as soon as our time expired; and that we would not be heavily taxed. These are but a few of the many hypocritical lies proclaimed by those conspirators who have precipitated ur rights, liberties, and families, and if we must lose our sacred rights, and permit our families to starve in order to sustain our wicked leaders in their deceptive course, we prefer to return to our allegiance to the old Government, accept of Lincoln's pardon, and let the leaders and their Confederacy go to hell together! This may be hard language for men who have fought in many a hard battle to use; but silent endurance ceases to be a Virtue, and confident are we that the Government of the
President Lincoln sent a letter of thanks to the widow of the late Rev. Joseph Stockton, of Pittsburgh, Pa., a lady eighty years of age, for knitting a great number of stockings for the soldiers. To this favor of the President Mrs. Stockton has sent the following reply: To His Excellency, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States: Your kind letter was duly received. My labors in behalf of our gallant soldiers, I fear, are somewhat exaggerated. I have endeavored to do what I could for those who battle to crush this wicked rebellion. Every grandson I have capable of bearing arms is now in the army--one acting as brigadier-general in Western Virginia; one as colonel, commanding under General McPherson; one as captain, One Hundred and Fortieth Pennsylvania volunteers; one as lieutenant, in the Fourteenth Pennsylvania cavalry; and another, who was disabled as a gunner in the Chicago Light Artillery, I have at home with me, and he is yet anxious to again join his comm