Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 16, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Abram Lincoln or search for Abram Lincoln in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: January 16, 1862., [Electronic resource], List of the General officers in the armies of the Confederate States. (search)
llow-citizens. He had too just an idea of the theory of the American Constitution and the Federal system to blind his eyes to the gross perversion and outrages upon the charter of American liberty by the Lincoln Government. He was too pure and honest to profess what he did not believe, and to acknowledge fealty where he did not consider it due. Having undoubting faith in State Rights, and no faith whatever in Black Republicanism, he felt that his allegiance was due to Virginia, and not to Lincoln. Yet, although he had silently and quietly pursued the even tenor of his way, he was suspected of unsoundness on the great issues of the day. The mob of Wheeling, than which a grosser, more servile and besotted mob cannot be found anywhere, required every man to show his hands, and gloated in the license given them by the despotism they served of violating the sanctify of dwellings they never presumed to enter before, of arraigning their superiors in these homes, while in monarchical Engla
civil and political liberty that is contained in the Constitution and laws of the United States. He has run the machine on rights as old as Magna Charta, until there is not a despotism in Europe which dares to oppress and enslave its people as Lincoln oppresses and enslaves the once free country over which he presides. Such a thing as a free press or free speech is tolerated in no part of his domains. His machine has crushed to stems every semblance of law, liberty, and justice in the entirll stuck in the mud upon our borders and sea-coast, stained to a deep crimson with the blood of a people whom it can never run over nor subjugate. The "machine" of the United States Government, once the emblem of liberty and law, has become, in Lincoln's hands, a ponderous Juggernaut, which crushes none so completely as those who fall down to do it homage. Let us hope that the time is not distant when this accursed "machine" will run off the track, and plunge, with its engineer, down a fathom