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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. 2 0 Browse Search
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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26., My Revolutionary ancestors: major Job Cushing, Lieutenant Jerome Lincoln, Walter Foster Cushing (search)
erce of Scituate. There were four children, Job Cushing, Jr., being the eldest. This son, Job, married Elizabeth, daughter of Jerome Lincoln. She was the twelfth of the fourteen children. They were my grandparents. My father, Samuel I. Cushing, was the son of this marriage. My Grandmother Cushing has told of her young brother, Isaiah. He was on the fishing schooner Nancy that started out on a risky voyage in September, 1814, but she was captured by the British. The captain and Isaiah Lincoln were taken to Halifax as prisoners of war. Because he would not fight against his country he was kept in prison, the British claiming that all who spoke English were British subjects. He died in prison, although he had a certificate of American citizenship signed by General Benjamin Lincoln. A copy of this certificate is in possession of the family. After the close of the Revolution many of the officers and soldiers who returned to their homes kept some of the habits of military dri