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Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir. You can also browse the collection for Robert Lincoln or search for Robert Lincoln in all documents.

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the new Cabinet, but was not invited to offer his views. When Robert Lincoln's name was mentioned for Secretary of War it was reported that to the contrary and asked permission of the General to say this to Lincoln. He was more than willing to assent, and I wrote to Mr. Lincoln tMr. Lincoln that so far from objecting, General Grant would be very glad to see him Secretary of War; and added that he was at liberty to use the information. Lincoln replied, expressing his thanks and his appreciation of Grant's good wishes, but he never said either to Grant or me that he foungly the matter was arranged through General Horace Porter and Robert Lincoln, the Secretary of War. Mr. Lincoln obtained a promise from the Mr. Lincoln obtained a promise from the President that I should be appointed again to Copenhagen, if I would pledge myself in advance to accept the post. But before this arrangemenic mind but little less than that produced by the assassination of Lincoln. The intensity of feeling has somewhat died out in consequence of