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y Hanks Rock spring farm Lincoln's birth Kentucky schools the journey to Indiana Pigeon Creek settlement Indiana schools Sally Bush Lincoln Gentryville work and books Satires and sermons flatboat voyage to New Orleans the journey to Illinois Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States, was born in a log cabin in the backwoods of Kentucky on the 12th day of February, 1809. His father, Thomas Lincoln, was sixth in direct line of descent from Samuel Lincoln, who emigrated from England to Massachusetts in 1638. Following the prevailing drift of American settlement, these descendants had, during a century and a half, successively moved from Massachusetts to New Jersey, from New Jersey to Pennsylvania, from Pennsylvania to Virginia, and from Virginia to Kentucky; while collateral branches of the family eventually made homes in other parts of the West. In Pennsylvania and Virginia some of them had acquired considerable property and local prom
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters, Chapter 2: the first colonial literature (search)
is in matter, but he writes throughout as a ruler of men should write, with decent plainness and manly freedom. His best known pages, justly praised by Tyler and other historians of American thought, contain his speech before the General Court in 1645 on the nature of true liberty. No paragraphs written in America previous to the Revolution would have given more pleasure to Abraham Lincoln, but it is to be feared that Lincoln never saw Governor Winthrop's book, though his own ancestor, Samuel Lincoln of Hinglam, lived under Winthrop's jurisdiction. The theory of government held by the dominant party of the first two generations of New England pioneers has often been called a theocracy, that is to say, a government according to the Word of God as expounded and enforced by the clergy. The experiment was doomed to ultimate failure, for it ran counter to some of the noblest instincts of human nature. But its administration was in the hands of able men. The power of the clergy was w
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26., My Revolutionary ancestors: major Job Cushing, Lieutenant Jerome Lincoln, Walter Foster Cushing (search)
f their real value and determined to find a new home. The party landed in Boston August 10, 1638, and immediately proceeded to their destination, Bear Cove, now Hingham, named for the home of the Cushing family in England. Here they found Samuel Lincoln, also from Norfolk county, England, who had come to this country with his wife and eight children the year preceding. From his eldest son, Samuel, descended Levi Lincoln, Attorney General of the United States and Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts. From Daniel Lincoln, the second son of Samuel Lincoln, who came to this country from England, are descended the Cohasset Lincolns, my ancestors, who married into the Cushing family. From Samuel's third son, Mordicai, came Abraham Lincoln. To go back to the colonists at Hingham: At a town meeting in 1638, a house lot of five acres on Pear Tree hill, Bachelor street, now Main street, was given to Matthew Cushing and it continued in possession of the family until 1887. Matthew w