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The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1862., [Electronic resource] | 30 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Thomas D. Lincoln or search for Thomas D. Lincoln in all documents.
Your search returned 15 results in 4 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1862., [Electronic resource], Re-enlistment in the army. (search)
Unionists in the South.
The Lincoln journals labor with untiring assiduity to maintain the long ago exploded falsehood of a Union party in the South as if it were the most manifest and undeniable truth.
They say there is a powerful Union feeling even in the heart of Secessia, and that all that is necessary to developed it is the presence of Federal troops.
They undertake to draw a distinction between the Southern Government and the Southern people, and profess to believe that a large Un e it themselves.
It may be so with the oft-repeated assertion that the old Union is still dear to the hearts of a large number of the Southern people.
But there never was a more palpable and libellous, falsehood.
That, up to the period of Lincoln's proclamation, a majority of the people of Virginia and of the other border States was in favor of the Union, and determined to stand by it as long as they could with honor, no one denies.
But, when that despot drew the sword, the Union party