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e rural districts only that furnish brave volunteers; and it is only in the granary of the great West that the North can recruit any troops worth bringing into the field. It is a mistake to suppose that the Northwest are disaffected to this Lincoln war. They are even more fierce and determined than the Yankees of the East, whose zeal in every. thing is measured by the rule, what does it pay? Lincoln himself is a true index of Northwestern feeling in this regard, and certainly have the peoLincoln himself is a true index of Northwestern feeling in this regard, and certainly have the people of the Northwest more to lose by the destruction of the Union than any other portion of the Northern population If they are cut off from the navigation of the Mississippi, they are in a manner cut off from the world and hemmed in on every side. They have Great Britain on the North; the Yankees on the East, who prey upon their industry; and the hostile South below them. They have no access to market except over foreign territory, or over railroads owned by corporations that have no souls,
d I from the 3d Rhode Island battalion. They were very well dressed, and many of them wore comfortable overcoats.--Some few had lost their hats, and some were bare footed, having pulled off their shoes to swim the Potomac during the panic, and were rescued from watery graves by our advanced forces. The juveniles among the crowd indulged in some derisive remarks, and a portion of the prisoners displayed considerable impudence. One fellow said that their turn would come by and by, and that Lincoln and Scott would both be in Richmond before a great while. Another remarked to a bystander that they had to hunt for the Southern soldiers to make them fight, and the bystander reckoned that they fought pretty well when they were found. The negro prisoner was an object of no little curiosity, and he seemed quite uneasy. He says his name is Lewis A. Bell, and that he was free in the District of Columbia; but some of our citizens thought they had seen him before, and it is very probable tha
Miscellaneous items. A mother and three daughters searched by Lincoln's Hirelings. A beautiful Government is that over which the Illinois ape presides! Let even a lady undertake to change her residence in his dominions and immediately one of the graceless scamps who hang around at his beckon call are put upon her track, so afraid is he that she is about leaving in disgust that loathsome region where tyranny rules the hour, for a more congenial clime of happiness and freedom, such as the South affords. Last evening Mrs. Parmella Smith and three daughters, two of them grown, were arrested at the boarding-house of Mrs. Waters, Calvert street, near Lexington, and their effects searched by the Provost's police. Mrs. Smith has recently left Washington, where she kept a boarding-house, and was en route for Richmond, Va. The whole family were released, nothing contraband or of a treasonable nature being found among their effects. Arrest of alleged deserters. Desertion