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The Daily Dispatch: September 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], Atrocitties of the Neapolitan brigands. (search)
der to alarm the neighboring villages, they arrested him, and having dressed him up as a woman, in the middle of the public square they set fire to his dress and burnt him alive. Hearing of the approach of a detachment of troops from Barano, and of National Guards from the neighboring village, they betook themselves to a precipitate retreat. After hearing of such cannibal atrocities, how is it possible to show generosity to these wretches or to their employers? How can we expect the common people to allow the brigands to pass on with impunity when they see them conveyed by the police? The Carabineers have the greatest difficulty to defend the brigands from the fury of the people, when they are taking them to prison. They are, in consequence, obliged to bring them into Naples in the night. Some of the brigands were followed by their wives." Shocking as are the atrocities of the Neapolitan brigands, they scarcely surpass those of Lincoln's hirelings in "civilized America."
The Daily Dispatch: September 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], Curious facts discovered by the French census. (search)
A jolly old fellow, who had been courting Bacchus, met us on the street, yesterday, and swore that he had never done us any harm, then asseverated most solemnly that he had a son under Johnston and Beauregard, and finally began to talk about the Republicans, Lincoln, and Scott, and loudly hurrahs for the last-named. In New York, such a man, hurrahing for Jeff. Davis, would have been arrested. Here, we know the man is merely trying to create a sensation, and has no sympathizers, and we are not afraid to let him shout his harmless hurrahs as loudly as he pleases.
Impudence Unparalleled. --C. H. Foster, the Yankee who claims to be a Federal Congressman elect from North Carolina, called upon Lincoln at Washington last Wednesday for the purpose of tendering him "a full brigade of loyalists" from that State. Foster will scarcely venture far into North Carolina for the purpose of raising a brigade or for any other purpose.
ean markets, under the influential patronage of the Rothschilds. M. Belmont has been in Europe for six weeks. He had the misfortune to be followed over by the news of the Bull Run disaster, which reached England by the next steamer after that which converted himself. Mr. Chase certainly took a very efficient step for the success of his loan. He placed its European negotiation in the powerful hands of a firm which has given currency to even more worthless Government paper than that of Lincoln. He chose the smartest financier in Wall street as the interceder with the Rothschilds, a man holding no less intimate a relationship with that firm than its partner in this continent, and the illegitimate but recognized son of one of its members; a man withal who is said to have the best financial mind in that great house. It may be infersed that the partner of the Rothschilds succeeded in enlisting the active and powerful support of those bankers in aid of the loan. It may be taken
The Daily Dispatch: September 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], Exhibition of 1862--the Eccentricities of genius. (search)
Virginia officers. --The Enquirer of yesterday still further corrects its notice concerning Virginia officers, in the following paragraph: We are gratified to be able to state that the number of Virginians now holding office in Lincoln's army is much smaller than was indicated by the list published by us the other day, as furnished by one who thought he was "posted" on the subject. Major George C. Waggaman, whose name appears on that list as Assistant Quartermaster General in the Lincoln army, resigned that position, we now state upon good authority, some time since. Major Page, whose name is on the list as Assistant Adjutant General, has been dead upwards of a year. Had he lived, he would have doubtless been among the first to declare for the South. We have already announced that Major Albert J. Smith, Capt. T. G. Williams, and Capt. T. A. Washington, whose names were on the Lincoln list, are in the active service of the Confederate Government. We still hope to hear
and and water, so as to secure the erection of fortifications for the better security of the city. Upon stating their business to Mr. Cameron, that gentleman said that he had already responded to the request of the Mayor of Philadelphia, made to him on the same subject, and had already dispatched an engineer to Philadelphia, as suggested. Subsequently the delegation visited the President, who was assured through Mr. McMichael that Philadelphia was devoted to the cause of the Union. Mr. Lincoln, in response, remarked that he was happy to hear of the loyalty of that city. He was strengthened by these assurances. Some might doubt his ability — he doubted it himself — to answer public expectation, in carrying out the object of the Government. But they need have no doubt of his sincerity. The only thing he had to complain of was the fault-finding spirit of the press, in some cases, as manifested against the Government. They were too impatient. He was resolved to do his duty, a