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From the Border. There was an nows of speculation, received from the army near Fredericksburg yesterday. It was rumored in camp that the Federal army had returned to Alexandria, with a view to take up winter quarters at that point. The Central train brought down from Staunton, last evening twenty four Yankee prisoners, whose capture by Capt. McNeill, is Hardy county, we have here Store noticed. Among the party was the Pierpont sheriff of Barbour county, who we liars, has been very active in carrying out the honest of his Yankee masters in that county, and in collecting revenue from the people to support the hireling of Lincoln in their crusade upon the loyal citizens of the Northwest.
R. Cubb. The New York Observer, referring to the late Confederate General Cobb, of Georgia, who was killed in the battle of Fredericksburg, says: Mr. Cobb was an eider in the Presbyterian Church, and an active member of ecclesiastical bodies, a distinguished author and contributor to the religious periodical literature of the country. His religious communications have appeared in this paper, and we este med him as an able and excellent Christian gentleman and reholar. When Mr. Lincoln was elected to the Presidency, we made special exertions to set before the people, especially our readers in the South, the duty of yielding patriotic and constitutional obedience to the Government by whomsoever administered, and we further insisted that resistance to the Government would be rebellion. Mr. Cobb was the first to resent this doctrine, and to insist upon the light and duty of the South to take immediate measures to deliver its people from the Government of the United States