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The Daily Dispatch: July 20, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 31, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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"Has not the situation changed? Would not the united action of England and France for peace be now listened to at Washington?" The Times'sParis correspondent repeats the statement that the rebels, with the sanction of the Emperor of France, have applied to Spain for recognition, offering to guarantee to her in case of recognition, the possession of Cuba. It is thought in Madrid that, in any case, the Emperor of France will not much longer postpone recognizing the Confederacy. Mr. Lindray, in a letter to the Times, confirms the statements of Mr. Roebuck, respecting their interview with the Emperor of France. On the other hand, Mr. Layard, in the name of the Government, gave again an emphatically denial to the truth of Mr. Roebuck's statements. The Times prefers the concurrent and positive statements of members of the Cabinet to those of Mr. Roebuck and Mr. Lindsay, and thinks that the letter must have misunderstood the Emperor. The Times has an inflammatory letter,
f Great Britain. For so doing I have incurred much obloquy — an obloquy that has come from a very noisy, if not from a very wise party. [Laughter.] I must say that my present determination has not been influenced thereby. The noble lord at the head of the Government has said that the continuance of this debate was an impediment in his way to the good government of the country. [Hear, hear.] I have paid respect to the noble lord's wishes, and I have likewise induced my honorable Stead (Mr. Lindray) to forego his feelings in the matter. When the noble Lord sat down on Friday last my honorable friend and myself were perfectly, or at least very nearly, satisfied with what had been stated, and if nothing mere had been said, there the matter would have ended, but official arrogance is a plant of portentously rapid growth, [loud laughter,] and the Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs thought fit to bring a charge against my honorable friend, to which he believed his honor and his fee