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The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 127 (search)
Thirteenth Ohio Infantry; Capt. Henry O. Mansfield, Fifty-second Ohio Infantry; Captain Durant, One hundred and Thirteenth Ohio Infantry; Adjt. C. N. Andrus, Eiglty-fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; Lieut. Samuel T. Rogers, Eighty-sixth Illinois Infantry; Captain Vanantwerp, Eighty-sixth Illinois Infantry; Captain Howden, Seventy-eighth Illinois Infantry; Lieutenants Lippincott, Bentley. Baxter, Watson, and Dungan, of the One hundred and Thirteenth Ohio Infantry; and Lieutenants Thomas and Lindsey, of the Ninety. eighth Ohio Infantry. These gallant officers fell in leading their men to the enemy's works, some of them at the ditches. On the morning of the 3d of July the division moved in pursuit of the enemy, again in retreat. Passing through Marietta and following the Twentieth Corps, went into bivouac at Nickajack Creek, in sight of the enemy's works at that place. July 4, opened with both batteries and pushed a heavy line of skirmishers across the creek and swamp. In the a
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 141 (search)
nd admiration of all who knew him here in the military circle of friendship. His country had no truer patriot, and when he found that he could serve it no longer against its enemies, he asked to be buried with his face to them. Many equally brave and patriotic men fell on this day and merit from me as much the humble tribute I have just paid to the life and memory of Lieutenant-Colonel Shane, but it would swell this report to undue proportions were I to name and speak of all singly. Lieutenant Lindsey, of Company A, was struck on the hand by a piece of shell while leading his company, and was compelled to go to the rear; and many others were wounded, and their names will be given in the annexed casualty list. The regiment at night used the pick, spade, rails, and logs, and before morning of the following day, had strong works erected within seventy-five yards of the enemy. We remained in the trenches until the night of the 30th, when we were relieved by the Thirty-fourth Illinois
emy--General Garrard's brigade on the right and General Lindsey's on the left. The sharp skirmish that followea reserve of one regiment, also advanced to support Lindsey's, who had pushed a charge near the mouth of a battowly escaping the effect of a shell, his men joined Lindsey's, and both dashed forward, shooting down the enemyn taking the advance, hotly pursued the former, and Lindsey's and Burbridge's brigades the latter, until night vision was ordered to form to the left of the road, Lindsey's brigade in front, and the remaining two regimentsGarrard's brigade obliquely on the left and rear of Lindsey's, to counteract any movement in that direction. hotly pressed by Benton's brigade and the right of Lindsey's, were cut off from that escape, and driven to the left and down the river upon the left of Lindsey's and the front of Burbridge's brigades, and fell into their ion; also, Colonels Slack, Stone, Kaigwin, Landrum, Lindsey, and Mudd. The skill, valor, and services of those
ain near Hagerstown, moved upon that place. The enemy's pickets were met near the edge of the town. A squadron of the Eighteenth Pennsylvania cavalry, under Captain Lindsey, and led by Lieutenant-Colonel Brinley, of the Eighteenth, and accompanied by Captains Dahlgren, late of General Hooker's staff, and Chauncey, Russell, and Sned. Thomas Adams, company B, Eighteenth; Sergeant J. B. Gordon, company A, Eighteenth; Lieutenant David McKay, and others, were wounded. Captains Dahlgren and Lindsey turned to the left as they entered Potomac street, in pursuit of five men. The men took the first street to the right, and were closely followed. One took deliberate aim at Captain Lindsey and killed him. Captain Dahlgren immediately split the man's head open with his sabre, and so the fight was kept up for some time. Soon after the first charge a second charge was made by a second squadron of the Eighteenth, under Captains Cunningham and Pennypacker. Of this party only one returned th
H, (Lieutenant Case,) K, (Lieutenant Patrick,) L, (Captain Easton,) and M, (Captain Ulrey,) commanded by Majors Purington and Seward; also, of the Seventh Ohio cavalry, Colonel Garrard, divided into three divisions — the first, commanded by Captain Lindsey; second, Lieutenant Shaw; third, Captain Brownfield--all commanded by Colonel A. V. Kautz, of the Second Ohio, left here about half-past 3 o'clock, and proceeded direct to Waitsboro, a distance of seven miles, where we forded the river, the Colonel Garrard, with his regiment, was also to hold the Albany road for an hour, which he did in the face of a superior force, and fell back without loss. At Monticello, the rear-guard was joined by a company of the Seventh Ohio cavalry, Captain Lindsey. The main force reached Captain West's, distant eleven miles, about five o'clock. As for us, we knew the rear-guard was coming along quietly. Soon, however, a courier came rushing in, saying that a large force were engaging them fiercely o
hough not so proudly, as they had advanced : the 17th and 26th Louisiana, by a charge on their flank. capturing 4 flags, with 332 prisoners, and gathering up 500 small arms. Morgan, who had endeavored to throw a pontoon across, had ordered Col. Lindsey, with his own, Sheldon's, and two regiments of Thayer's brigade, to advance simultaneously with Blair and De Courcy, and ford the bayou farther to the right; but Lindsey failed to execute the order: reporting the narrow point at which the bayoLindsey failed to execute the order: reporting the narrow point at which the bayou was here fordable covered by a masked battery. On our right, the 6th Missouri, in A. J. Smith's advance, likewise went forward at noon, and crossed the bayou on a narrow sand-bar; but they found the bank so steep and so thoroughly swept by the enemy's rifles, that they could not force an ascent, but crouched under the bank, occasionally fired down upon by some eager sharp-shooter, till after dark; when they were withdrawn; having lost but 1-1 killed and 43 wounded. But Blair's brigade alon
sage Mills, (otherwise called Smith's Mills,) five and a half miles south-east of McKisick's farm, whilst our pickets guarded all the other avenues to the camp. For the purpose of reconnoitring the country toward the Indian territory, and to detain the rebels of. South--west Missouri from following Price's army by the State-line road, Major Conrad, with five select companies of infantry, sixty men of cavalry, and two pieces of Woelfley's battery, was ordered to proceed on the first day to Lindsey's prairie, where he arrived in the evening, sixteen miles south-west of McKisick's farm, on the second, (the fifth,) to Maysville, and to return on the third day to our own camp. Such was our position on the evening of the fifth, when I received orders from you to send a detachment of cavalry to Pineville, where there were said to be some two or three hundred rebels, who disturbed and endangered the Union people of McDonald County. I directed Major Mezaros, with eighty men, to march at
aus near the river-bank, within eight hundred yards of the Fort, concealed by fallen trees from the view of the enemy; while two sections of the Illinois Mercantile battery were masked and held by the same officer in reserve. The Seventh Michigan battery, Captain Lamphere commanding, remained with Colonel De Courcy; two twenty-pounder Parrotts, of the First Wisconsin battery, Capt. Foster commanding, and a section of the Illinois Mercantile battery, under Lieutenant Wilson, were with Col Lindsey. The cavalry were disposed in the rear, under orders to force stragglers to return to their ranks. Such was the disposition of the forces under my command on the eve of the battle of the Arkansas. On the other hand, the position of the enemy, naturally strong, was one of his own choosing. Post Arkansas, a small village, the capital of Arkansas county, is situated on elevated ground above the reach of floods, and defining for some miles, the left bank of the river. It was settled
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Lane's North Carolina brigade. (search)
oles's brigade of Ewell's corps, moved in line of battle from the woods, and occupied the new works from which my men had driven the enemy. At General Doles's suggestion, I formed my brigade on the right of his, and both moved forward over the intrenchments and abattis into the pine thicket in front, in pursuit of the enemy. I apprised General Wilcox of this movement, and when we had advanced between three hundred and four hundred yards into the thicket, I was ordered by him, through Lieutenant Lindsey, to fall back to the works, Having informed Doles's brigade of this order, and having also sent back to notify the troops in our rear of what we were about to do, I ordered a withdrawal of the brigade by wings. I withdrew the right wing first, and in perfect order; the left then retired under Captain Hale, and in good order, but not until they had poured a few volleys into a body of Yankees immediately in their front. As the works were occupied by other troops on our return, the brig
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.30 (search)
se of war, wounded at Williamsburg, Sharpsburg, and Second Cold Harbor; William H. Jones; James A. Jackson; —— ——Johnson, wounded at Hatcher's Run. George Kesee, killed at Williamsburg. John T. Lowry, wounded at Hatcher's Run; John Lawson; Thos. Lawson; George W. Lawson; Sandy Lyle, lost sight of after battle of Gaines's Mill; Mat. L. Lyle, second captain, killed at Gaines' Mill; Robert Lipscomb, killed at Gaines' Mill; John Ledbetter, wounded at Drewry's Bluff; W. J. Ledbetter; —— —— Lindsey. Dennis McNamara; A. C. Middleton, wounded at——; Clem. Maloney, died at Point Lookout, Md., of wounds received at Gettysburg; David Morisette, died in service; Sam Morrison, killed in battle around Richmond; John E. Moseley, killed at Seven Pines; Thomas Mack, orderly; Robert Moorefield; John Morrisette; William Morrison, died in service. William Nowell. James T. Overby, transferred to cavalry. Edward Preston, died in service; Fletcher Preston; John F. Powers; Josep