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emy--General Garrard's brigade on the right and General Lindsey's on the left. The sharp skirmish that followea reserve of one regiment, also advanced to support Lindsey's, who had pushed a charge near the mouth of a battowly escaping the effect of a shell, his men joined Lindsey's, and both dashed forward, shooting down the enemyn taking the advance, hotly pursued the former, and Lindsey's and Burbridge's brigades the latter, until night vision was ordered to form to the left of the road, Lindsey's brigade in front, and the remaining two regimentsGarrard's brigade obliquely on the left and rear of Lindsey's, to counteract any movement in that direction. hotly pressed by Benton's brigade and the right of Lindsey's, were cut off from that escape, and driven to the left and down the river upon the left of Lindsey's and the front of Burbridge's brigades, and fell into their ion; also, Colonels Slack, Stone, Kaigwin, Landrum, Lindsey, and Mudd. The skill, valor, and services of those
ain near Hagerstown, moved upon that place. The enemy's pickets were met near the edge of the town. A squadron of the Eighteenth Pennsylvania cavalry, under Captain Lindsey, and led by Lieutenant-Colonel Brinley, of the Eighteenth, and accompanied by Captains Dahlgren, late of General Hooker's staff, and Chauncey, Russell, and Sned. Thomas Adams, company B, Eighteenth; Sergeant J. B. Gordon, company A, Eighteenth; Lieutenant David McKay, and others, were wounded. Captains Dahlgren and Lindsey turned to the left as they entered Potomac street, in pursuit of five men. The men took the first street to the right, and were closely followed. One took deliberate aim at Captain Lindsey and killed him. Captain Dahlgren immediately split the man's head open with his sabre, and so the fight was kept up for some time. Soon after the first charge a second charge was made by a second squadron of the Eighteenth, under Captains Cunningham and Pennypacker. Of this party only one returned th
H, (Lieutenant Case,) K, (Lieutenant Patrick,) L, (Captain Easton,) and M, (Captain Ulrey,) commanded by Majors Purington and Seward; also, of the Seventh Ohio cavalry, Colonel Garrard, divided into three divisions — the first, commanded by Captain Lindsey; second, Lieutenant Shaw; third, Captain Brownfield--all commanded by Colonel A. V. Kautz, of the Second Ohio, left here about half-past 3 o'clock, and proceeded direct to Waitsboro, a distance of seven miles, where we forded the river, the Colonel Garrard, with his regiment, was also to hold the Albany road for an hour, which he did in the face of a superior force, and fell back without loss. At Monticello, the rear-guard was joined by a company of the Seventh Ohio cavalry, Captain Lindsey. The main force reached Captain West's, distant eleven miles, about five o'clock. As for us, we knew the rear-guard was coming along quietly. Soon, however, a courier came rushing in, saying that a large force were engaging them fiercely o