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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the Confederate States Navy. (search)
ort Pillow, I found Commander Pinkney with the gun-boats Polk and Livingston. He gave me command of two heavy guns, mounted on a bluff four miles below Randolph. The guns of the Polk and Livingston had been placed in batteries on shore at Randolph. It was hard to understand why tht Commanders Fry and Dunnington, they did efficient service. The Livingston and Polk succeeded in getting up the Yazoo river to Liverpool land go down to Liverpool landing and protect the gun-boats Polk and Livingston with cotton bales, to moor their head down stream, to keep steam ange. Our attention was soon attracted to the gun-boats Polk and Livingston, moored just below the obstructions. Smoke was seen issuing fromet her on fire, and she too was added to the loss of the Polk and Livingston. The following day I was sent with one of the pilots to sound y far more than he did with the Arkansas alone. The Polk and the Livingston had been well protected with cotton; and the Van Dorn was an iron
ggled through the rain and cold of a winter night to reach some place where it might be secure from assault. For several days the troops endured terrible hardships. The scanty supplies of a wasted country, hastily collected and issued without system, were insufficient for the subsistence of the army; and, though the commissary department made extraordinary efforts, many of the troops had nothing better than parched corn to sustain life. Crittenden marched his army through Monticello and Livingston to Gainsboro, and, finally, by General Johnston's orders, took position at Chestnut Mound, where he was in reach of relief from Nashville. During his retreat his army became much demoralized, and two regiments, whose homes were in that neighborhood, almost entirely abandoned their organization, and went every man to his own house. A multitude deserted, and the tide of fugitives filled the country with dismay. The battle fought at Logan's Cross Roads, also called the battle of Fishing
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 12: the inauguration of President Lincoln, and the Ideas and policy of the Government. (search)
f all the fortifications within the Slave-labor States, only Fortress Monroe, and Forts Jefferson, Taylor, and Pickens, remained in possession of the Government. The seized forts were sixteen in number. The following are the names and locations of the seized forts:--Pulaski and Jackson, at Savannah; Morgan and Gaines, at Mobile; Macon, at Beaufort, North Carolina; Caswell, at Oak Island, North Carolina; Moultrie and Castle Pinckney, at Charleston; St. Philip, Jackson, Pike, Macomb, and Livingston, in Louisiana; and McRee, Barrancas, and a redoubt in Florida. They had cost the Government about seven millions of dollars, and bore an aggregate of one thousand two hundred and twenty-six guns. All the arsenals in the Cotton-growing States had been seized. That at Little Rock, the capital of the State of Arkansas, was taken possession of by the militia of that State, under the direction of the disloyal Governor Rector, on the 5th of February. They came from Helena, and readily obtaine
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), The Slaveholding Utopia. (search)
be sent thither, in order to convert so wise a nation to Christianity. Should the political dreamers of the South, by any stroke of fortune, be left to their abominable devices, and thus be enabled to try before the world an experiment of promoting the genuine prosperity of the few by reducing the many to the lowest pitch of moral and physical squalor, it is possible that missionaries might be sent from the South Carolina, as they are now sent to Central Africa and that some new Livingston might win the noblest of laurels, at the risk of his life, by carrying Christian civilization to Alabama or Mississippi. For it is very certain that whatever perfection the South might attain in the art of civil government, it must still want the very elements of religion. Indeed, if we understand at all this little extract from The Richmond Whig, which is now before us, it is the avowed purpose of a portion, at least, of the Rebels, to be rid, in the very beginning of the new Empire,
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
ce the 20th, on their way, it was supposed, to join the army at Chattanooga. On the 28th, six or eight regiments of Federal cavalry, with a field-battery, advanced toward Canton from the direction of Vernon; but General Jackson, coming from Livingston, interposed Whitfield's brigade of his division, upon which the Federal troops retired. The following telegram from General Bragg, dated the 29th, came to me in Oxford on that day: Give us all the assistance you can. Enemy is evidently asserected to join Jackson with his division, and Ector's and McNair's brigades. Before all of these troops had reached Canton, however, General Jackson reported that the enemy had turned back (in the morning of the 18th) seven or eight miles from Livingston, and retired rapidly toward Vicksburg by Bolton's and Edwards's Depots. Soon after the middle of the month, Major-General Lee arrived at the point where he intended to cross the Tennessee River, near the head of the Muscle Shoals, with the
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Introduction. (search)
President, and the accomplished rhetoric of its champion, (Mr. Hayne,) failed to raise it above the level of a plausible sophism. It sunk forever discredited beneath the sturdy common sense and indomitable will of Jackson, the mature wisdom of Livingston, the keen analysis of Clay, and the crushing logic of Webster. Nor was this all: the venerable author of the Resolutions of 1798 and of the report of 1799 was still living in a green old age. His connection with those State papers and still unconstitutional, but he threw to the winds the resolutions of 1798, which had just brought him into power; he broke the Constitution and he gained an Empire. Mr. Monroe was sent to France to conduct the negotiation, in conjunction with Chancellor Livingston, the resident Minister, contemplating, however, at that time only the acquisition of New Orleans and the adjacent territory. But they were dealing with a man that did nothing by halves. Napoleon knew, and we know--that to give up the
A patriotic mother.--Henry B. Stanton, of Seneca Falls, now in New York, received a letter from his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Seneca Falls, stating that their two older sons bad joined the army, and that she regretted that the next three were too young for service. Mrs. Stanton is daughter of Judge Daniel Cady, and grand-daughter of Colonel Livingston, who figured in the war of the Revolution, and it will be perceived that the old fire has been transmitted by inheritance.--Idem.
ble through the openings of the wood. Lieutenant Livingston was ordered to bring up his battery. . On the morning of Friday, January second, Livingston's battery came across the river again, and w dangerous to the artillery, I ordered Lieutenant Livingston to retire and take a position on the htillery on the south side of the river, with Livingston's battery on the other, with the determined ack, they also retired in good order. Lieutenant Livingston's battery fired constantly and well frvior under very trying circumstances. Lieutenant Livingston, of the Third Wisconsin battery, did eike in reserve. During the morning, Lieutenant Livingston was directed to cross the river (he waColonel Beatty changed the position of Lieutenant Livingston's battery to near the hospital (across This battery was near the railroad. Lieutenant Livingston's battery (which was across the river)Captain Swallow,147  Third Wisconsin, Lieutenant Livingston,  4  Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania, Lieut[4 more...]<
hat he would do so, as a matter of course, I had requested Captains Poindexter and Gwathney, of the navy, to have all the steamers ready in Lake Pontchartrain, to carry the troops over to Madisonville, whence they could reach Camp Moore, A portion of them were taken over by this route. Knowing that the enemy would at once seize the Opelousas Railroad, and thus cut off the troops occupying the works on the coast of West Louisiana, I sent orders to the different commanding officers at Ports Livingston, Guiorr, Quitman, Berwick, and Chene, to destroy their guns, and taking their small arms, provisions, and ammunition, to join me at Camp Moore. Major Joy brought away the troops at the two latter forts in a very creditable manner, but those at the other works became demoralized, disbanded, and retured to New Orleans. I gave verbal instructions to Colonel Fuller to have the garrisons of Forts Pike and Macomb, battery Bienvenu, and Tower Dupre, ready to move at a moment's notice, as their p
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), On the Mississippi and adjacent waters (search)
the Federal fleet free to proceed toward the strongly built Fort Pillow. A word must be said of the efforts of the Confederate naval forces to resist the downward progress of the Western Flotilla. A number of wooden steamers had been purchased or seized at New Orleans, and six of these, their bows, and in some cases their engines, protected with iron plating and carrying six or seven guns apiece, ascended the river with Commander George N. Hollins as flag-officer. They were the McRae, Livingston, Maurepas, General Polk, Pontchartrain, and Ivy. The ram Manassas was with them, but receiving an injury from a snag, she was sent back to New Orleans. Hollins remained below New Madrid, in the vicinity of Tiptonville, for some time, engaging the shore batteries now occupied by the troops of Generals Pope and Buford. He had resolved to stop the Federal gunboats if they should pass Island No.10, but he soon began to doubt his ability to do this, and, besides, his powder supply became almo