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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
ce the 20th, on their way, it was supposed, to join the army at Chattanooga. On the 28th, six or eight regiments of Federal cavalry, with a field-battery, advanced toward Canton from the direction of Vernon; but General Jackson, coming from Livingston, interposed Whitfield's brigade of his division, upon which the Federal troops retired. The following telegram from General Bragg, dated the 29th, came to me in Oxford on that day: Give us all the assistance you can. Enemy is evidently asserected to join Jackson with his division, and Ector's and McNair's brigades. Before all of these troops had reached Canton, however, General Jackson reported that the enemy had turned back (in the morning of the 18th) seven or eight miles from Livingston, and retired rapidly toward Vicksburg by Bolton's and Edwards's Depots. Soon after the middle of the month, Major-General Lee arrived at the point where he intended to cross the Tennessee River, near the head of the Muscle Shoals, with the