Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Livingston or search for Livingston in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), An incomplete roster of the Botetourt Battery. (search)
ink, J. Finney, N. Finney, W. Fulniher, R. Givens, J. Haney, O. Hollins, J. Hooke, G. Houts, J. Hunter, A. Irvin, J. Kenell, R. Lemon, P. Linkenhoger, G. Lypes, D. Killed at Baker's Creek. Lypes, J. Livingston, A. B. Livingston, C. McCartney, W. Markham, J. Matthews, James. Dead. Miller, M. S. Mitchell, J. Moreley, G. R. Moeleck, J. Murset, J. Newall, R. Nofsinger, C. New, J. N. Nowell, G. Obenchain, F. OLivingston, C. McCartney, W. Markham, J. Matthews, James. Dead. Miller, M. S. Mitchell, J. Moreley, G. R. Moeleck, J. Murset, J. Newall, R. Nofsinger, C. New, J. N. Nowell, G. Obenchain, F. Obenchain, J. Killed. Painter, F. Plecker, Adam H., gunner. Rady, P. Ribble, L. Richardson, D. Richardson, M. Robertson, P. Robertson, S. Shank,—— Smith, J. J., gunner. Stennet, H. Stennet, R. Thomas, W. Walkup, A. Ware, G. Watson,—— White, C., color-bearer. White, G. Woltze, F. Zimmerman, J. A. H. Plecker includes in his list, Wm. Mayo and Albert Anderson, negro se
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry, C. S. A. From the Lexington, Ky. Herald, April 21, 1907. (search)
morning Colonel Morrison moved up from Albany to my relief, with Pegram's Brigade. They ambushed him, and have taken all his artillery except the two bull pups I had with me. His forces are much demoralized. I shall move with all dispatch to Livingston. On May 2 he was in camp near the Obie River, twelve miles from Livingston, to which point the Federal troops, some 5,000 strong, had driven him with his 600 men, and the Federals were then camped within twelve miles of him. On the next day Livingston, to which point the Federal troops, some 5,000 strong, had driven him with his 600 men, and the Federals were then camped within twelve miles of him. On the next day they had come up to within four miles of him, and were pressing him hard. General Morgan then sent Colonel Adam R. Johnson's Regiment (10th Kentucky Cavalry) to Colonel Chenault's relief, and a few days later General Bragg sent Palmer's Brigade also, and all these constituted so strong a force as to save the situation. One of the hottest little fights that Morgan's command ever engaged in was that at Greasy Creek (sometimes called Horse-Shoe Bend) in Wayne County, on May 8 and 9, 1863. On a