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of the enemy, erected during the preceding night, nearly opposite to Tiptonville. On discovering that the enemy had been at work on the west bank, our gunboats got up steam early in the morning and went out to attack them. The enemy had placed three twenty-four- pounder rifle guns in position, for the purpose of cutting off our communication at Tiptonville, where the land transit across to Island to begins. The gunboats (wooden) engaged were the McRae, Lady Polk, Ivy, Pontchartrain, Livingston, and Marapas. The fight continued some two hours. The fore and aft chains of the Marapas were out by the enemy's shot. They also sent one shot clear through the Gen. Polk, which struck her, or came out, below the water line, but which we have not been able to ascertain. She immediately withdrew, and at last accounts it was found necessary to resort to her pumps to keep the water down. The other boats continued their fire a short time longer, and then withdrew to their anchorage
Yankee account from North Carolina--reported destruction of the Nashville. Norfolk, Va., March 26. --We have the following from Fortress Monroe, dated 23d March: "The steamer Chancellor, Livingston, arrived from Hatteras last night and brings intelligence that immediately after the occupation of Newbern, the expedition started to Beaufort, N. C. That place was found to have been evacuated before our (Federal) troops approached. For Macon was blown up by the rebels, and the rebel steamer Nashville was burnt the day Gen. Burnside occupied Newbern. It has been ascertained that 16,000 rebel troops are now on the road from Goldsboro', to reinforce the rebels of Newbern. The steamer Swaps sailed Fortress Monroe for Hatteras on the 29th March with mails and passengers." [Second Dispatch] Washington, March 02 --The reported destruction of Fort Macon and the steamer Nashville is confirmed. Col. Segar, representative elect from Accomac District, Va., ar