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time was had to legislate upon the currency and prices of provisions, and thought the recent financial feat practiced upon the money shavers of Richmond by one Livingston had diminished a great deal of lobbying which otherwise would have been practiced, as many of them had been so extensively fleeced by that individual as to leave them but little cash on hand to experiment with in that manner. Mr. A.'s allusion to Livingston brought forth from some one in the crowd vehement and repeated demands to know "what Livingston had to do with the objects of this meeting, " and for some time there seemed to be a fair prospect of an unpleasant scene; but, by the inLivingston had to do with the objects of this meeting, " and for some time there seemed to be a fair prospect of an unpleasant scene; but, by the interposition of Mr. Adolphus Gary, who came to Mr. A.'s. relief, and uttered some home thrusts at any one who could so far forget himself as to create a disturbance in a public meeting, quiet and good order was soon restored, and everything again went on harmoniously. Mr. Theophilus Reamas them then made some well timed remark