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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 30, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: may 16, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
met by a committee of that historic corps, and courteously shown a number of interesting relics and mementoes, which we regret our space will not permit us to describe in detail. Then followed, in the new city hall, a reception, which was tendered by the following official action of the city council: Hibernian Hall, Special Meeting, Nov. 9, 1882. Council met this day at 7 P. M. Present--Hon. Wm. A. Courtenay, Mayor; Aldermen Dingle, Roddy, Aichel, Webb, White, Ufferhardt, Sweegan, Loeb, Eckel, Thayer, Johnson, Mauran, Rodgers, Ebaugh and Knee. The Mayor announced to the Council that he had called the meeting to consider the proposed visit of General Fitzhugh Lee to Charleston in the interest of the Southern Historical Society. He was sure that Council would be glad of the opportunity to give expression to their feelings at this time, and to commend the object of the visit. Alderman Dingle offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Resolved
Charged with Marder. --A young man named Morris Hyneman was arrested at the Exchange Hotel yesterday evening by Officer Bibb, charged with having caused the death of A. Myer Weinstein, by feloniously stabbing him last week at Newburn, N. C. The information on which he was arrested was furnished by Mason Loeb. It appears that the affair resulting so fatally was not regarded in a very serious light when it occurred, as Hyneman was taken before a justice and admitted to bail in $200 for his appearance. The deceased growing worse, Hyneman left Newburn on Monday with his surety, and arriving here, enlisted in the Army. He had on a uniform when arrested.
ut Jas Dillon, Corp Jno Grey, L Callott, Henry Clark, Edward Hoffman, J W Spencer. Total killed 3, wounded 6. Company G, Capt Willett.--Killed: Sergt John McDonald and Columbus W Read. Wounded: 1st Lieut W D Hendricks, 2d Lieut Mark O' Rorke, 1st Sergt Phillip H Raymond, Sergt J T Kelly, Samuel Kells, Samuel Brown, W C Lee, Wm Heneig, David H DeSilva. Total killed 2, wounded 9. Company H. (Shreveport Grays,) Lt Lamkin in command.--Wounded: Robt Johnson, A B Spell, J E Youngblood, L Loeb, R T Mansfield. Total wounded 5. Company I, Lt Trott in command.--Killed: Lt Geo L Trott and Jno Bain. Wounded: Capt Chas E Cormler, 1st Lt Jos Taylor, Jacob Euredorf, Geo Almindinger, Avery Breed, Nat Burns, Henry Coleman, Wm Hunter, J T Lorains, Robt Jackson, Wm Tripple. Missing: Robt Garroway and James M Grant. Total killed 2, wounded 12, missing 2. Company K, Capt Wm L Randall.--Killed: Pat Moran and Thos Reardon. Wounded: Capt Wm L Randall, Lt Jas Malloy, Corp Jeremiah Keller,