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ives from Service or Labor. In the House of Representatives, on the ninth of July, 1861, Mr. Lovejoy, of Illinois, introduced the following resolution, and demanded the previous question upon its passage: That in the judgment of this House, it is no part of the duty of the soldiers of the United States to capture and return fugitive slaves. Mr. Mallory, of Kentucky, moved to lay it upon the table — yeas sixty-six; nays, eighty-one. The question recurring on agreeing to the resolution, Mr. Logan, of Illinois, demanded the yeas and nays, and they were ordered — yeas, ninety-three; nays, fifty-five. In the Senate, on the fourth of December, 1861, Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, gave notice of his intention to introduce a bill to punish officers and privates of the army for arresting, detaining, or delivering persons claimed as fugitive slaves. Mr. Lovejoy, of Illinois, in the House of Representatives, on the fourth of December, 1861, introduced a bill, making it a penal offence to
were, I regret to say, frequent. Two divisions of the enemy, with cavalry, drove our cavalry through Brandon on the nineteenth, returning to Jackson the next day. Their object seemed to be to destroy the railroad bridges and depots. Colonel J. L. Logan, commanding a mounted force around Port Hudson, reported three successful engagements with detachments of the enemy. On the twelfth of July I received information, from Colonel Logan, of the surrender of Port Hudson on the ninth; subseqColonel Logan, of the surrender of Port Hudson on the ninth; subsequently the report of Major Jackson, A. A. G., was received, informing me of the surrender. That officer stated that provision was exhausted, and that the position of the enemy rendered it impossible for the garrison to cut its way out; but two thousand five hundred of the garrison were fit for duty at the time of the surrender. The enemy advanced against Yazoo City both by land and water on the thirteenth. The attack by the gunboats was handsomely repulsed by our heavy battery, under the c
d was halted there. On the eighth, at 4 P. M., a division of Hooker's corps assaulted Dug Gap, which was bravely held by two regiments of Reynolds' Arkansas brigade, and Grigsby's brigade of Kentucky cavalry fighting on foot, until the arrival of Lieutenant-General Hardee with Granbury's brigade, when the enemy was put to flight. On the ninth five assaults were made on Lieutenant-General Hood's troops on Rocky Face Mountain. They were repulsed. In the afternoon a report was received that Logan's and Dodge's corps were in Snake Greek Gap. Three divisions under Lieutenant-General Hood were therefore sent to Resaca. On the tenth Lieutenant-General Hood reported the enemy retiring. Skirmishing to our advantage continued all day near Dalton. Major-General Bates repulsed a vigorous attack at night. On the eleventh Brigadier-General Canty reported that the enemy was again approaching Resaca. Lieutenant-General Polk arrived in the evening with Loring's division, and was instructed to
n as possible. Rosecrans had two hours fighting last night, and now this morning again, and unless you can create a diversion in his favor he may find his hands full. Hurry up your troops — all possible. U. S. Grant, Major-General, The statement that the engagement had commenced again in the morning was on the strength of hearing artillery. General Ord, hearing the same, however, pushed on with all possible despatch, without awaiting orders. Two of my staff--Colonels Dickey and Logan--had gone around to where General Rosecrans was, and were with him during the early part of the engagement. Returning in the dark, and endeavoring to cut off some of the distance, they became lost and entangled in the woods, and remained out over night, arriving at headquarters next morning about the same hour that General Rosecrans' messenger arrived. For the particular troops engaged, and the part taken by each regiment, I will have to refer you entirely to the accompanying reports of th