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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces in the Vicksburg campaign: May 1st-July 4th, 1863. (search)
athan Richmond: 18th 111., Col. Daniel H. Brush; 54th Ill., Col. Greenville M. Mitchell; 126th Ill., Maj. Wm. W. Wilshire; 22d Ohio, Col. Oliver Wood. Montgomery's Brigade, Col. Milton Montgomery: 40th Iowa, Col. John A. Garrett; 3d Minn., Col. Chauncey W. Griggs; 25th Wis., Lieut.-Col. Samuel J. Nasmith; 27th Wis., Col. Conrad Krez. Seventeenth Army Corps, Maj.-Gen. James B. McPherson. Escort: 4th Co. Ohio Cav., Capt. John S. Foster. Loss: Port Gibson, w, 1. Third division, Maj.-Gen. John A. Logan. Escort: A, 2d 11. Cav., Lieut. William B. Cummins. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John E. Smith, Brig.-Gen. Mortimer D. Leggett: 20th Ill., Lieut.-Col. Evan Richards (k), Maj. Daniel Bradley; 31st Ill., Col. Edwin S. McCook (w), Lieut.-Col. John D. Rees (m w), Maj. Robert N. Pearson; 45th Ill., Col. Jasper A. Maltby; 124th Ill., Col. Thomas J. Sloan; 23d Ind., Lieut.-Col. William P. Davis. Brigade loss: Port Gibson, k, 5; w, 27=32. Raymond, k, 35; w, 175; m, 25 =235. Champion's H