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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 56: San Domingo again.—the senator's first speech.—return of the angina pectoris.—Fish's insult in the Motley Papers.— the senator's removal from the foreign relations committee.—pretexts for the remioval.—second speech against the San Domingo scheme.—the treaty of Washington.—Sumner and Wilson against Butler for governor.—1870-1871. (search)
ence on official business should be accepted, saying: No man ever doubted his word, and no man ever doubted his fidelity, and no man ever doubted his high honor. Logan was hearty in declaring the injustice of displacing, at the beck of a Secretary of State, a senator as chairman who had done his duty, and maintained that it involembers of the Senate, is not right in itself, is not expedient, is a political blunder, wrong in itself, and had better be abandoned instead of being consummated. Logan and Wilson reminded the majority that the one precedent for a change at the instance of the Executive was the removal of Douglas from the head of the committee on up by any senator. (4) Surviving associates of the senator,—Patterson. Schurz, Casserly, Morrill of Vermont, Trumbull, Fenton, Thurman, Bayard, Morrill of Maine, Logan, Anthony, Windom, and Spencer,—when their opinions were requested, all cordially testified to Sumner's remarkable fidelity to public business, particularly that of
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 57: attempts to reconcile the President and the senator.—ineligibility of the President for a second term.—the Civil-rights Bill.—sale of arms to France.—the liberal Republican party: Horace Greeley its candidate adopted by the Democrats.—Sumner's reserve.—his relations with Republican friends and his colleague.—speech against the President.—support of Greeley.—last journey to Europe.—a meeting with Motley.—a night with John Bright.—the President's re-election.—1871-1872. (search)
aborate speech against civil service reform Chandler and Logan of the Senate, and Butler of the House, were also opposed tndom. Among those voting no were Carpenter, Ferry (Conn.), Logan, Morrill (Maine), Schurz, Trumbull, and the Democratic senaience, which was large and inspiring. Hamlin objected to Logan's motion for the admission of ladies to the Senate chamber,, chosen by ballot, consisted of Hamlin, Carpenter, Sawyer, Logan, Ames, Harlan, and Stevenson,—each receiving from fifty-twoincipal replies were made three days later by Carpenter and Logan. Conkling reserved his reply for Cooper Institute, July ho were exempt from the restraints which govern gentlemen. Logan, though less trained than the Wisconsin senator, was of a b inflation bill in 1874, against the counsels of Morton and Logan, and after he had once decided to approve it; J. R. Younn 1880, when the scheme was supported by Conkling, Cameron, Logan, and Fish. The better sentiment of the country was aroused
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 59: cordiality of senators.—last appeal for the Civil-rights bill. —death of Agassiz.—guest of the New England Society in New York.—the nomination of Caleb Cushing as chief-justice.—an appointment for the Boston custom-house.— the rescinding of the legislative censure.—last effort in debate.—last day in the senate.—illness, death, funeral, and memorial tributes.—Dec. 1, 1873March 11, 1874. (search)
ent, though suffering a permanent disability, made it a point to attend on the first day, with the hope of harmonizing the relations of the majority and the dissenters of 1872; The New York Tribune, Nov. 18, 1873, called for Sumner's restoration to the head of the committee on foreign relations. but this well-meant effort found no encouragement with the set then dominant in the Senate and assuming to represent the Administration. Still, outside of a small number,—like Conkling, Chandler, Logan, and Carpenter,—the feeling towards Sumner was in every way kindly and considerate. Even with Edmunds, who had been among the leaders in promoting his removal from the foreign relations committee, he had resumed friendly intercourse. It is Mr. Edmunds's recollection and opinion that during the session the cordiality between Sumner and the body of the Republicans was almost completely restored, and that had he lived everything would soon have been perfectly friendly, co-operative, and harmo
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, chapter 19 (search)
tention to its duties. In his lifetime I never heard such a suggestion, for it would have been considered absurd. When he was deprived of the chairmanship, there was no man in the Senate so well equipped as he for the place, and not one more assiduous in his devotion to what he believed to be his duty; and in this there was no abatement until death relieved him. Similar testimonies have been received from other associates of Mr. Sumner in the Senate, as ex-Senators Morrill of Maine and Logan of Illinois, and Senators Anthony, Windom, and Spencer; but there is not space to insert them here. Senator Sherman of Ohio, now Secretary of the Treasury, in the debate on Mr. Sumner's removal, March 10, 1871, while considering himself bound by the action of the caucus, declared the change unjustifiable, impolitic, and unnecessary, and after Mr. Sumner's death, in a tribute to his memory, bore testimony to his remarkable fidelity. The leading promoters of the removal admitted in the deb