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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The last charge at Appomattox. (search)
The last charge at Appomattox. (see ante pages 69 to 70). [The following from the Baltimore Sun, of February 7, 1906, is published herein at the request of a correspondent.—editor.] The last fighting at Appomattox. Messrs. Editors. That the last blow was struck, the last shot fired in defense of the Confederacy at Appomattox by the First Maryland, as claimed by Ex-Confederate and Col. W. A. Morgan, of the First Virginia Cavalry, who that day was in command of Lomax's brigade, is not borne out by the facts that did occur on that day. If you will allow me space in your valuable paper I will tell the story as I saw it. On the morning of the 9th, at 7 o'clock, Gen. Fitzhugh Lee's division of cavalry, commanded by Gen. T. T. Munford, made a detour to the right of our army, passing in the rear of Gen. Grant's forces until we reached the road leading from Appomattox to Lynchburg, our forces skirmishing with the enemy the entire route. When the Lynchburg road was reac
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Twelfth Alabama Infantry, Confederate States Army. (search)
n camp. None worthy of credence, but those of a cheerful nature exert a good influence over the tired soldier. September 17. Rodes' and Gordon's divisions, with Braxton's artillery, marched to Bunker Hill. Next day Gordon's division, with Lomax's cavalry, moved on to Martinsburg, and drove Averill's cavalry out of town, across the Opequon, and then returned to Bunker Hill. The Twelfth Alabama was on picket after dark. By referring to previous pages, I find we have camped at Bunker Hilbeen greatly diminished. Battle of Winchester, September 19th, 1864. Early this morning our cavalry pickets on the Opequon were driven in, and it became evident that an engagement was imminent. News came that the cavalry under Fitz Lee and Lomax, and Ramseur's division of less than 2,000 infantry, were engaged by the enemy near Winchester, and Rodes' division left Stephenson's depot to go to their assistance. Gordon's division preceded us, and as soon as we reached Ramseur, we were orde