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On the morning of the twenty-fourth, I sent Colonel Long, commanding Second brigade, Second cavalry enemy. By three o'clock of the same day, Colonel Long, with his brigade of cavalry, of Thomas's a sent my Aid, Captain Audenreid, forward to Colonel Long, commanding the brigade of cavalry, to explGeneral Burnside, dated December fourth. Colonel Long had arrived at Knoxville with his cavalry, essee and the Hiawassee. The cavalry under Colonel Long passed the mountains at Telire, and proceedI left the brigade of cavalry, commanded by Colonel Long, reenforced by the Fifth Ohio cavalry, Lieut to direct the movements of his troops. Colonel Long, (Fourth Ohio cavalry,) commanding Second bf the Fourteenth corps commenced crossing. Colonel Long, (Fourth Ohio cavalry,) commanding Second baptured at Ringgold. On the twenty-eighth, Colonel Long (Fourth Ohio cavalry) returned to Chattanooo'clock P. M., the brigade of cavalry under Colonel Long had crossed and was on its march. The brid[1 more...]
ssured to the Union. The Smoky Mountains will hereafter become our military front. The advance of our reenforcements, under Sherman, arrived yesterday morning. Granger is on the way. Longstreet's hours in East-Tennessee are numbered. His chief care since that glorious Sunday before Sanders has been, as I suggested, to escape from the trap in which he was involved by that blundering humbug Bragg. Our faith in Grant has not been in vain or misplaced. A cavalry brigade, in command of Colonel Long, Fourth Ohio volunteer cavalry, is marching across our pontoon while I write. From Major Smith and Dr. Owens, of the Fifth Ohio volunteer cavalry, I learn the particulars of the utter demoralization of Bragg. A reconnoissance of our front is now out. The result will probably be to bring in rebel pickets out of the wet, and ascertain that Longstreet is on his way to Dixie. I will send particulars as soon as obtained. I cannot obtain full lists of killed and wounded of Shackleford's div
t's skirmishers hotly engaged with the enemy this morning before Colonel Long was apprised of their approach. He immediately moved the smalo Colonel Siebert's support. The rebels shortly after gave way, Colonel Long pursuing them closely, discovering a portion of their force cut Dalton road, and, when last seen, were flying precipitately. Colonel Long's loss was one man slightly wounded. The officer in command of e of battle, then got my train over the bridge safely, and asked Colonel Long to place a regiment of cavalry at my disposal. These arrangementhem is rather large, and they will, undoubtedly, be gathered by Colonel Long. I shall pursue my march at daybreak to-morrow. Very respeins were on the way, guarded by the cavalry brigade commanded by Colonel Long, of the Fourth Ohio. They met with no traces of the enemy for sary that no effort was made to repossess the lost plunder, until Colonel Long, with the whole force, reached the north bank, and wheeled into
from Blue Springs, near Cleveland, to Red Clay; Long's brigade of cavalry cooperated with Crufts's column, Long's instructions being to establish communication with Crufts at Red Clay, and then push od to reinforce General Crufts, at Red Clay; Colonel Long, having established communication with Crufn's men leading the advance toward Tunnel Hill; Long's brigade of cavalry at Varnell's Station, on tuctions to move, in conjunction with Crufts and Long's cavalry, down the eastern side of Rock Face Rot-guard to protect his supplies at Cleveland. Long's brigade of cavalry ordered to take post at Clup the positions indicated above. Crufts's and Long's cavalry also fell back to Catoosa Platform on report of casualties; also the report of Colonel Eli Long, commanding Second brigade, Second divisi Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Eli long, Col. Commanding Second Brigade, Second Divi Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Eli long, Col. Commanding Second Brigade, Second Divi
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 95.-reconnoissance to Dalton, Ga. (search)
of the column from Chattanooga, General Crufts moved down from the vicinity of Cleveland, joined afterward by Matthias's brigade, of the Fifteenth army corps, commanded at present by Colonel Dickerman, of the One Hundred and Third Illinois. Colonel Long, with some seven hundred cavalry, preceded General Crufts. This column skirmished as successfully with the enemy as the other, and on the twenty-third, Colonel Long penetrated to within four miles of Dalton. Another sunny, warm, pleasant, Colonel Long penetrated to within four miles of Dalton. Another sunny, warm, pleasant, smoky morning dawned upon us on the twenty-fifth, and all portions of our forces being prepared to act in concert, it was determined to make a bold move, which might test whether or not the enemy's strong position on the Tunnel Hill road could not be turned. Accordingly, General Baird took up the line of march very early in the morning, and crossing Tunnel Hill, joined General Crufts in the valley between the range and Rocky Face. Passing through a gap in Rocky Face, about three miles beyond
astern base of the latter, along the road to Neil's farm, six miles from Dalton. At this point I made a junction with Colonel Long, in command of six hundred cavalry. He was in position, and skirmishing with the enemy. He had left Charleston, Tenn Map showing relative position of forces during the reconnaissance near Dalton, Georgia. February, 1864. advanced, Colonel Long taking the lead; drove the enemy from all the ridge north of the creek. Upon entering the valley, Colonel Long's commColonel Long's command passed to the right, alone the base of the ridge, to the west. The Eighty-fourth and Seventy-fifth Illinois infantry were moved forward in the valley on the left of the cavalry, covering the slope of the eastern ridge with skirmishers, thrown foalry to support them. In this form we pressed the enemy to within three hundred yards of the railroad, the command of Colonel Long driving the rebel infantry out of their camps immediately at the road. We continued in this position, skirmishing in