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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 114 2 Browse Search
The Cambridge of eighteen hundred and ninety-six: a picture of the city and its industries fifty years after its incorporation (ed. Arthur Gilman) 9 1 Browse Search
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. It was on the side of the Common, almost under the Washington Elm, not far from the home of Longfellow and opposite the birthplace of Holmes, a dwelling that Mr. Longfellow had been a frequent visiMr. Longfellow had been a frequent visitor in, and through the halls of which Dr. Holmes, as it was afterwards learned, had in his younger life often walked, if he had not indeed trodden more lively measures there. This house was of quiet of seven. They were, in the order of coming into the scheme, Mrs. Gilman, Mrs. Greenough, Miss Longfellow, Miss Horsford, Mrs. Cooke, Mrs. Agassiz, and Mrs. Gurney. This bare statement of the fookeQuincy Street. Mrs. J. B. GreenoughAppian Way. Mrs. Arthur GilmanPhillips Place. Miss Alice M. LongfellowBrattle Street. Miss Lilian HorsfordCraigie Street. Cambridge, Mass., February 22, for the elegance and convenience of which the corporation is indebted to the generosity of Miss Longfellow. It is the most charming portion of the edifice now. The third stage in the work is mar
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 10: Craigie House (search)
to be much persuaded by his aides. Miss Alice M. Longfellow in The Cambridge Tribune, April 21, 10, page 4. The southeastern room, afterwards Longfellow's study, had been Washington's office, and thamber above it his private room, this being Longfellow's original study. The house was bought aboudent Jared Sparks in 1832. Five years after, Longfellow took the rooms, and thus describes his firster, the lexicographer, shared the house with Longfellow, as did for a time Miss Sally Lowell, an aunMr. Nathan Appleton, father of the second Mrs. Longfellow, to whom he presented it. Part of the ten magnificent elms of which Longfellow wrote in 1839 have disappeared. The ground has been improved Within the house all remains much the same, Longfellow's library never having been scattered, althotradition, not very well authenticated, that Longfellow himself had planned to make them the subjected him in prose. Such was the house where Longfellow resided for the rest of his life; seven year
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Appendix IV: a visit to Hiawatha's people (search)
e Longfellow family by the Ojibway Indians was prepared by Miss Alice M. Longfellow for the Riverside Literature Series, and is used by permis the idea of writing an Indian poem began first to take form in Mr. Longfellow's mind, he followed the adventures of Manabozho (a mythical chafell in with this scheme, and after the visit of the Indians to Mr. Longfellow's home in Cambridge the plan rapidly matured, and a formal invitation was sent to Mr. Longfellow's family to be present at the representation as guests of the Indians. The invitation was written on birch and that will live forever. Will you and your husbands and Miss Longfellow come and see us and stay in our royal wigwams on an island in e women. Odenewasenoquay, The first flash of the lightning [Miss Longfellow]; Osahgahgushkodawaquay, The lady of the open plains [Mrs. J. lls with a parting dance. And they said, Farewell forever! Said, Farewell, O Hiawatha. Alice M. Longfellow. Cambridge, April 6, 1901.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Index (search)
Bowdoin College, 17, 18, 23, 60, 61, 73; Longfellow graduates from, 37; becomes professor of mod, Robert, 3, 6, 216, 218, 267; compared with Longfellow, 270; Longfellow a student of, 272, 273. 142, 265, 294; his early poems compared with Longfellow's, 24-26; moralizing of, 133, 134; indifferent to Longfellow, 145; his Selections from the American Poets, mentioned, 145. Bull, Ole, 214, 21 91. Carpenter, Prof. George R., 127; his Longfellow, cited, 127 note, 166 note. Carter, Mr. (Longfellow's teacher), 15,17. Carter, James G., 23. Cervantes, Miguel de, 188. Chamberlain Coll Craigenputtock, 90. Craigie, Mrs., 147; Longfellow's description of, 118-120. Craigie, Andren situation, 116; various occupants of, 121; Longfellow's letter about elms for, 122, 123. Crebiled States Literary, the, 23-26, 29 note, 41; Longfellow contributes to, 27. Georgia (State), 143.in, 176; early elective system in, 178, 179; Longfellow's letters to President and Fellows of, 179, [31 more...]