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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lowell, James Russell 1819-1891 (search)
His first collection of poems—A Year's Life—;was published in 1841, and in 1843 he engaged with Robert Carter in the publication of The pioneer, a literary and critical magazine. He subsequently produced many volumes and a large number of contributions to periodical literature. He visited Europe in 1851, and in the winter of 1854-55 delivered a course of twelve lectures on the British poets. On the resignation of the professorship of modern languages and belles-lettres in Harvard by Mr. Longfellow, Mr. Lowell was chosen his successor. To fill the place successfully, he again went to Europe and studied for a year, returning in August, 1856. He edited the Atlantic monthly from 1857 to 1862, and in 1863— 72 was one of the editors of the North American review. In 1874 the University of Cambridge, England, bestowed upon James Russell Lowell. him the honorary degree of Ll.D. In 1877-80 Mr. Lowell was United States minister to Spain, and in 1880-85 minister to Great Britain. He d<
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pulaski, Count Casimir 1748- (search)
cavalry, with the rank of brigadier-general. He was in the battle of Germantown; and in 1778 his Legion was formed, composed of sixty light horsemen and 200 foot-soldiers. When about to take the field in the South the Moravian nuns, or singing women at Bethlehem, Pa., sent him a banner Count Casimir Pulaski. Greene and Pulaski monument. wrought by them, which he received with grateful acknowledgments, and which he bore until he fell at Savannah in 1779. This event is commemorated in Longfellow's Hymn of the Moravian nuns. The banner is now in possession of the Maryland Historical Society. Surprised near Little Egg Harbor, on the New Jersey coast, nearly all of his foot-soldiers were killed. Recruiting his ranks, he went South in February, 1779, and was in active service under General Lincoln, engaging bravely in the siege of Savannah, Ga. (q. v.), in which he was mortally wounded, taken to the United States brig Wasp, and there died, Oct. 11. The citizens of Savannah erected
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Revere, Paul 1735-1818 (search)
phia. Early in 1775 the Provincial Congress sent him to Philadelphia to learn the art of making powder, and on his return he set up a mill. The president of the Congress (Joseph Warren) chose Revere as one of his trusted messengers to warn the people of Lexington and Concord of the expedition sent thither by Gage (April 18, 1775), and to tell Adams and Hancock of their danger. He was made a prisoner while on his way from Lexington towards Concord, but was soon Paul Revere. released. Longfellow made Revere's midnight ride the subject of his well-known poem. He served in the military corps for the defence of his State, and after the war he cast church bells and cannon; and he founded the copper-works at Canton, Mass., afterwards carried on by the Revere Copper Company. He was the first in the United States to smelt copper ore and roll it into sheets. In 1795 Revere, as grand master of the masonic order, laid the corner-stone of the Statehouse in Boston. He died in Boston, Mass
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Standish, miles 1584- (search)
. Standish visited England in 1625 as agent for the colony, and brought supplies the next year. The captain's wife, Rose Standish, was one of the victims of the famine and fever of 1621. In 1626 Standish settled at Duxbury, Mass., where he lived the remainder of his days administering the office of magistrate, or assistant, during the whole term. He also took part in the settlement of Bridgewater (1649). He died Oct. 3, 1656. A monument to his memory has Kitchen of Standish's House. been erected on Captain's Hill, Duxbury. Standish has been immortalized by Longfellow in his celebrated poem, The courtship of miles Standish, which recounts the romance of the masterful little captain in his relations with John Alden and Priscilla Mullins. Standish lives in literature and tradition as one of the most virile and picturesque figures in early American history. In Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth, is preserved, among other relics of the Pilgrims, Standish's sword and the barrel of his musket.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Underwood, Francis Henry 1850-1894 (search)
Underwood, Francis Henry 1850-1894 Author; born in Enfield, Mass.; educated in Amherst; taught in Kentucky; and was admitted to the bar; returned to Massachusetts in 1850, and was active in the anti-slavery cause; was clerk of the State Senate in 1852, assisted in the management of the Atlantic monthly for two years; clerk of the Superior Court of Boston for eleven years; United States consul to Glasgow in 1885; and wrote Hand-book of American Literature; biographical sketches of Longfellow, Whittier, Lowell, etc. He died in Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 7, 1894.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Washington, Martha 1732-1781 (search)
hailed her presence on this, as on all other occasions, with enthusiasm. She was urged to make the visit and spend some time at headquarters by two motives—one, affection for her husband; and another, because of apprehensions of danger at Mount Vernon on account of the operations of Lord Dunmore. She remained in Cambridge Shadow portrait of Martha Washington. until Howe evacuated Boston. Washington's headquarters there were in the fine mansion that was for many years the residence of Longfellow, the poet. The people showed affectionate regard for Mrs. Washington, as the wife of the first President, when she journeyed from Mount Vernon to New York to join her husband there after the inauguration. She left Mount Vernon in her chaise on May 19, 1789, with her two grandchildren, George Washington Parke and Eleanor Parke Custis. She was clothed tidily in American textile manufactures. She lodged at Baltimore on the first night of her journey. When she approached that city she
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Westminster Abbey. (search)
, and for some memorial of whose greatness Queen Emma of Hawaii asked in vain when she visited Westminster—is the work of an American artist and the gift of an American citizen; and the American poet and minister, Mr. J. R. Lowell, pronounced the oration when the bust was unveiled. Here, too, is the statue of Campbell, who found the subject of one of his longest poems On Susquehanna's side, fair Wyoming, and immortalized—though with many errors—the historic massacre. The white bust of Longfellow belongs to America alone. He did not attain—he would have been the last to claim for himself—the highest rank in the band of poets. He placed himself, and rightly, below the grand old masters, the bards sublime Whose distant footsteps echo Down the corridors of time, but no poet has ever been more universally beloved for his lyric sweetness and his white purity of soul. Between the monuments of Philips and Drayton there is one which will have a melancholy interest for the visi
lustrative of his character. Macte Virtute. Admission to Harvard University. his Classmates. his Habits. personal Appearance and Studies in College. extracts of Letters from his Classmates. the White Vest. his Fondness for reading, and his favorite Authors. his Chum and looms in College. an anecdote. his Standing at Graduation. his Book. What manner of child shall this be? St. Luke. And like a silver clarion rung The accents of that unknown tongue,--Excelsior! H. W. Longfellow. At the age of ten years, Charles Sumner was found qualified to enter the Boston Latin School, then under the charge of the accomplished classical scholar Benjamin A. Gould, and noted, as at present, for its thorough and persistent drill in the inceptive classical studies. Here the tall and slender lad applied himself closely to his lessons; studying Adam's Latin Grammar (which Mr. Gould edited with ability), the Gloucester Greek Grammar, Euler's Algebra, Horne Tooke's Pantheon, Irv
nstead of irritating antagonism without end, there shall be sympathetic co-operation. The existing differences ought to be ended. His health did not allow him to take an active part in the canvass; but returning to Boston, where he was branded by some of his old political companions as an apostate, and deserted by many of his former anti-slavery coadjutors,--especially by Mr. Garrison, who addressed to him a trenchant letter on his defection from his party,--he spent some days with H. W. Longfellow at Lynn, and on the 5th of September left for Europe. On his arrival in Liverpool, he received the news of his nomination by the Liberals and Democrats as governor of Massachusetts. This honor he declined. He met with a cordial reception both in England and in France, and had interviews with Thiers and Gambetta; but his health was so much impaired, that his time was mostly occupied in looking over engravings and other works of art, I have not read an American newspaper, said he, writ
which there was a body of more than one thousand colored citizens, proceeded, through a dense crowd of reverent people, to Mount-Auburn Cemetery. It arrived, just as the sun was setting, at the open grave in the Sumner lot, on Arethusa Path, which winds along the declivity, a little to the westward of the tower. The avenues, the knolls, and hills were crowded with hushed and pensive people. Near the grave stood the Congressional delegation, the surviving members of the class of 1830, H. W. Longfellow, R. W. Emerson, O. W. Holmes, and other intimate friends of the deceased. The Horatian ode, Integer vitoe scelerisque purus, was then sung by fifty male voices, accompanied by trombones; and, at the close, the clergyman pronounced the solemn words, I heard a voice saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they rest from their labors; and their works do follow them. As the body, in the last beam of fading day, was low