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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 773 5 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 581 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 468 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 457 5 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 450 6 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 400 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 388 2 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 344 2 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 319 1 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 312 12 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for James Longstreet or search for James Longstreet in all documents.

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and three Virginia regiments, under Brig.-Gen. James Longstreet; Fifth brigade, one Louisiana battalackburn's fords, in the rear of Early's and Longstreet's brigades, and Jackson's to the left, betwechell's fords, covering the rear of parts of Longstreet's and Bonham's brigades. During the nightn battle was to be fought. Ewell, Jones and Longstreet were left in their assigned positions on theses; in Jones', 13 killed and 62 wounded; in Longstreet's, 23 killed and 12 wounded; in Cocke's, 23 treat. In passing through these camps, says Longstreet: We found their pots and kettles over thn in the open, Bonham's brigade on the left, Longstreet's on the right. As the guns were about to og up the rout of the Federal army was lost. Longstreet continues: Soon there came an order for the fight, consisting of Ewell's, Jones' and Longstreet's brigades and some troops of other brigadesregard, Stonewall Jackson, Stuart, Fitz Lee, Longstreet, Kirby Smith, Ewell, Early, Whiting, D. R. J[7 more...]
Leesburg. Soon after the retreat of McDowell from Bull run to Washington, Longstreet's brigade, with artillery and Stuart's cavalry, was advanced, first to Centrells, commanding positions in full view of Washington, but with orders, writes Longstreet, not to attempt to advance even to Alexandria. The Federal authorities soon artillery supports were frequently relieved. A single battery was allowed to Longstreet, and as that had to respond to calls in all directions, General Longstreet wrGeneral Longstreet writes that he supplied the want of located batteries by collecting a number of old wagon wheels and mounting on them stove-pipes of different caliber, till we had formiciency of our troops. He then called attention to a communication from Generals Longstreet, Beauregard and himself, recommending the forming a cavalry brigade and onel, later brigadier-general of cavalry, and fell on the battlefield. General Longstreet, who was in command of the advanced Confederate forces, reported that he
Barksdale withdrew to Fort Evans, leaving two companies to watch his front. The enemy recrossed the Potomac during the night. Evans reported his loss, in the thirteen hours of fight, on the 21st, as 36 killed, 117 wounded and 2 missing, from a force of 1,709. Among the killed was the brave Colonel Burt. The Federal losses were returned at 49 killed, 158 wounded, 694 missing. General Evans claimed the capture of 710 prisoners, 1,500 stand of arms, 3 cannon and 1 flag. Evans called on Longstreet for reinforcements when he reported his battle of the 21st, thinking that 20,000 Federals were in his front. Colonel Jenkins, with the Eighteenth South Carolina and cavalry and artillery, was dispatched from Centreville, in the afternoon of the 22d, and marched toward Leesburg, through mud and a driving rain, until midnight, when the infantry went into bivouac; but Capt. C. M. Blackford's cavalry and four guns of the Washington artillery hurried forward all night, and came in sight of Lee
ad spent the night in the forest in front of Longstreet's center, in which was a rather formidable erate skirmishers by reinforcing his attack. Longstreet, watching the increasing force in his front, rear, floundering through the rain and mud. Longstreet's attack was successful and resulted in drivhim to press back the Confederate line which Longstreet had reinforced with two brigades that he hathey could in their wet and muddy bivouacs. Longstreet's loss was 1,560 from a probable force of 12 results of this Williamsburg battle were on Longstreet's side. He had held all his positions for trains and difficult to be turned by water. Longstreet held the right, located near the Long bridgeliamsburg road, was to advance, supported by Longstreet's. Huger's division, which had just arrived r and the killed and wounded were cared for. Longstreet summarizes the forces engaged on the 31st ofs contest was a stubborn one on both sides. Longstreet sums up the day's business thus: Two lines o[8 more...]
nicsville; Hill's movement to be followed by Longstreet, crossing the Mechanicsville bridge with his right flank at Mechanicsville, supported by Longstreet, with Jackson moving upon the rear of the sao Cold Harbor, by way of Gaines' mill, while Longstreet was moved along a private road between the m right as he advanced. These conditions led Longstreet to concentrate his entire division to strikell swept through the lines of A. P. Hill and Longstreet, Jackson's come. Pressing forward, though sy the River road, to either support Hill and Longstreet, or to strike the head of the Federal retreaisted from attack. Lee, in person, directed Longstreet into battle about 4 p. m., with less than 20 from Franklin's left, while Hooker assailed Longstreet's victorious flank. A. P. Hill moved rapidly to Longstreet's assistance, but the Confederates were only able to hold the ground they had won frrned out to be a very rainy day, Lee ordered Longstreet in pursuit on the direct road to Harrison's [15 more...]
rd Orange Court House, covering the right of Longstreet's movement and placing his cavalry upon the great force under McClellan could join him. Longstreet advised a movement to the left, so that Lee'for Pope had evacuated that the day before. Longstreet, preceded by Fitz Lee's cavalry, marched to dericksburg. Apprehensive of an attack from Longstreet, he did not care to move farther to his righexing Pope. During the night of the 24th, Longstreet's batteries took the place of Jackson opposid him to retire just as the day closed, when Longstreet led his command through Thoroughfare gap and and aided to stagger Porter's attack, while Longstreet opened with three batteries upon his left rrrying on the rout of the Federal army. General Longstreet, anticipating the order for a general adblest and bravest officers. The losses of Longstreet's corps, August 23-30, were reported as 663 the broken Federal forces there gathered. Longstreet followed Jackson to Chantilly, but did not r[39 more...]
andoah to the Potomac below Harper's Ferry. Longstreet's command was to follow Jackson across the Bs now important to return to the commands of Longstreet and D. H. Hill and recount what had happened's Ferry was being completed. Marching with Longstreet on the 10th, Lee crossed the South mountain he proceeded to that point, and there placed Longstreet in bivouac on the evening of the 11th, on wh might have said to himself, in the words of Longstreet at Groveton, as he reflected on the positionnd across to McClellan, meeting and damaging Longstreet's train on the way. Leaving A. P. Hill ine the coming of Jackson, posted his men with Longstreet on the right and D. H. Hill on the left, in h Hooker and Mansfield must advance. Lee, Longstreet and Jackson were in conference, with a map sson's line were the troops of D. H. Hill and Longstreet, prolonged to the southward to opposite the 12,000 were ready to fall upon the 2,000 of Longstreet that were tenaciously holding the immediate [13 more...]
d a new on to Richmond. He immediately sent Longstreet to place his newlyconsti-tuted First corps arenton, in the vicinity of the road by which Longstreet's corps had passed just before. Jackson, wilank while he moved to attack his front with Longstreet; but reasons of state required him to guard promptly obeyed Lee's order to follow after Longstreet, but by ways farther to the westward. By maither to the aid of D. H. Hill or to that of Longstreet, as the exigencies of the occasion might demnd promontory. At Deep run it was joined by Longstreet's line, which extended northeast, along the to his left. Sumner had begun his attack on Longstreet at II o'clock, at about the same time that Fifferent army corps, had been hurled against Longstreet's position, from which 7,000 Georgians and Cers at Moss Neck, near Fredericksburg, while Longstreet's corps occupied the left from the rear of FFairfax and Occoquan. The larger portion of Longstreet's corps was sent south of the James, with it[4 more...]
of January, 1863, Maj.-Gen. Joseph Hooker, the second in the command, was given charge of the army of the Potomac. He speedily restored it to a condition of efficiency and brought its strength up to nearly 134,000 soldiers, when, toward the last of April, he made ready to cross the Rappahannock and attack Lee's 63,000 veterans. Jackson held the front of Lee's right, from Hamilton's crossing down to Port Royal, with the 33,000 well-tried men of the Second corps. Of the two divisions of Longstreet that remained with Lee, McLaws held the front, from Jackson's left to opposite Banks' ford, with 8,000 men; Anderson's 8,000 extended McLaws' left well toward Chancellorsville (to Mott's run), while Stuart's 2,700 cavalrymen watched the fords of the Rappahannock up to the Orange & Alexandria railroad crossing. Hooker had opposed Burnside's plan of campaign against Lee, and he now essayed to make trial of his own. He proposed to make a great show of having adopted Burnside's plan, by sen
dividing it into three corps—the First under Longstreet, the Second under Ewell (who having lost a l18th, from the vicinity of Millwood, ordered Longstreet and Hill to follow Ewell across the Potomac, was found on Seminary ridge, accompanied by Longstreet, and Hill was near at hand. The latter was de attack in front. The reinforcements from Longstreet did not appear, but Johnson arrived upon the, Lee said: Well, if I attack upon my right, Longstreet will have to make the attack. Then pausing,d if we do not whip him, he will whip us. Longstreet had joined Lee in the early morning, but houflank was unprotected, and he and Hood urged Longstreet to move farther to the right and occupy Round McLaws pressed rapidly forward, as soon as Longstreet would let him go, took issue with Sickles, ather divisions in line a mile to. the rear. Longstreet's bold fight had, undoubtedly, won the day, d delay was dangerous. Lee promptly ordered Longstreet to organize a column of attack against Meade[53 more...]