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lls at Yorktown; note. Century, vol. 30, p. 641. Lockwood, H. C. Capture of Fort Fisher. Atlantic, vol. 27, pp. 622, 684. Lodge, Henry Cabot. Rise and fall of the Confederate government. Jefferson Davis, rev. of. Atlantic, vol. 48, p. 405. —Secret service of the Confederacy. Jas. D. Bullock, rev. of. Atlantic, vol. 53, p. 260. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Killed at the ford, poem. Atlantic, vol. 17, p. 479. —The Cumberland, poem. Atlantic, vol. 10, p. 669. Longstreet, Gen. James, C. S. A. Fredericksburg. Century, vol. 32, p. 609. —Invasion of Maryland; with statistics. Century, vol. 32, p. 309. —Lee's invasion of Maryland. Century, vol. 33, p. 622. —Our march against Pope, 1862; with map and illus Century, vol. 31, p. 601; note, p. 784. —Seven days; with maps. Century, vol. 30, p. 468. Lookout Mountain, Tenn. See also Chattanooga. —Battles at Chattanooga. H. V. Boynton. United Service Mag., vol. 12, p. 121. Lorin
thunder. It was then believed a general engagement had taken place; but the firing soon ceased, convincing us it was but a skirmish. Only a few meagre facts have yet been obtained of the affair, and I have waited up to the last moment for further accounts. What has been learned here can be told in a few words. --Early yesterday morning eight thousand of the Federals marched up to Munson's Hill, which our men were fortifying, and made an attempt to dislodge them.--Our advance consists of Longstreet's and Bonham's brigades, stationed near each other, and close by Munson's Hill. Long-street's force is composed of the First Virginia Regiment, commanded by Lieut. Col. Fry, in the absence of Col. Moore, who was wounded at the battle of the 18th; the Seventh Virginia, Col. Kemper, Lieut. Col. Williams, and Major Patton; the Eleventh Virginia, Col. Garland; the Seventeenth Virginia, Col. Corse; one Georgia Regiment attached at present, and several pieces of artillery. Gen. Bonham has four
e returning to Manassas. The long-range Enfield guns, with which the skirmishing companies of the enemy are supplied, give them a great advantage over our pickets, and yesterday a Tennesseean was shot through the head at the distance of half a mile, and instantly killed. Three Confederate officers passed through Fairfax Court-House this morning en route to Washington, the bearers, it is supposed, of a communication from our Government at Richmond. The advanced position of Gen. Longstreet entails upon his brigade a large amount of picket duty. Many of the farmers and merchants of the neighboring counties have wagons at the various encampments filled with provisions and articles of merchandize, for which they demand the most exorbitant prices. In many instances whiskey has been sold privately to soldiers, and for the most ordinary article only one dollar and a half per pint has been taken from the poor soldier. Col. James L. Kemper, whose bravery and devotion to hi
een called to a communication from Fair-fax Court-House, signed "Ithuriel," which appeared in your paper of the 26th of August, in which there is the following statement: "The regiments immediately around Fair-fax compose the Brigade of Gen Longstreet. Many of them were formerly in the brigade of Gen. Early, of Franklin county, but became dissatisfied with him in consequence of an error into which he fell during the battle of the 21st--mistaking the enemy, who had hoisted a Confederate fl 7th Virginia Regiment sustained no fire on the 18th or 21st of July when I was not in front of it, and on the former day I had to sustain its fire, when it fired by mistake in rear of some of our own troops. It is the only regiment in General Longstreet's brigade, as at present organized, which ever was in any brigade commanded by me, and it was not taken from my brigade on account of any dissatisfaction with me which may have existed, if any there was. My brigade, when I was a Colone
$20 reward. --A reward of $20 will be paid for the recovery of my servant boy, Taylor, who left my house about the 19th of April. He was seen to get on board of the York River Railroad cars, in company with some soluters on their way to Yorktown, who were supposed to belong to Gen Longstreet's division. Taylor is about 14 years old, rather small for his age, of dark ginger-break color, ready and smart in his address, and very sprightly in manner. Address. Francis W. Hancock, Chief Surgeon 3d Division, or Dr. Jas. E. Williams, my 7--eod5t Richmond, Va.
affair at Malvern Hill. An officer who participated in the affair at Malvern Hill has furnished us with the following particulars with reference to the occupancy of that point by the enemy, and its subsequent recovery by our forces under Gen. Longstreet: On Tuesday morning the 8th Georgia regiment Captain Dawson commanding, was moved up from New Market Heights to relieve the 17th, then on picket at Malvern Hill. On the march they were met by several couriers, stating that the enemy we, the cavalry and infantry took position at an eligible position about 400 yards in rear of the woods. The enemy made no further demonstration on that day having full possession of the hill. On Wednesday morning at daylight the corps of Gen Longstreet was moved forward, and encamped night within half a mile of the hill, the day having been spent in reconnoitering. On Thursday, about 12 o'clock, the corps advanced and took possession of the hill without firing a gun, the enemy having the
The Daily Dispatch: October 24, 1862., [Electronic resource], A Highly interesting Yankee account of Stuart's raid into Chambersburg — the Entrance of the rebels — their Behavior, &c. (search)
d to take private property from stores; but they were arrested by General Stuart's provost guard. In a single instance only that I have heard of did they enter a store by intimidating the proprietor. All our shops and stores were closed, and, with very few exceptions, were not disturbed. Destroying public property. There were considerable Government stores here — some two hundred pairs of shoes, a few boxes of clothing, and a large quantity of ammunition captured recently from Gen Longstreet. It was stored in the warehouse of Wunderlich & Nead About eleven o'clock their rear guard was ready to leave, and they notified the citizens residing near the warehouses to remove their families, as they were going to burn all public property. The railroad station house, machine shop, found house, and the warehouses filled with ammunition, were then fired and the last of the rebels fled the town in a little while a terrific explosion told that the flames had reached the powder, and fo
, little can be discovered. Night before last an attack was confidently expected, and every one was on the qui for the ball to open. Deserters come in occasionally, all of whom report a large body of rebels confronting us. Gens. Hill and Longstreet are certainly there and reinforcements are daily arriving. Professor Lowe is expected to arrive to-day with his balloon. The country beyond Fredericksburg is highly favorable for ballon reconnaissances, and an accurate knowledge concerninion of Col. Ingalls Chief Quartermaster of the army, and are in good condition. The camp fires of the enemy are constantly increasing within sight of Fairmont, affording indications of augmentation of the rebel forces Gen. Lee has joined Gen Longstreet and Gen. A. P. Bill and Gen. D. H. Hill and Gen. Jackson are known to be on the way thither. Yesterday the enemy were busily engaged in constructing additional works in the rear and to the left of Fredericksburg. The cars bring troo
The Daily Dispatch: March 5, 1863., [Electronic resource], The opening of the session of the French Corps Legislatif. (search)
One hundred dollars reward. --The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and securing, so that I get them, of two negroes, Taylor and Rosa, who left my premises about the 1st of May, 1862, or $50 for either of them. Taylor is about 15 years old, dark skin, very quick and sprightly, and I understand was with Capt Mitchell, of the 11th Ga reg't, last Jane and now supposed to be somewhere in Gen Longstreet's corps, if not with that regiment, and passes by the name of "Free Bill." Rosa is 22 years old a tall, likely mulatto, a scar on the check caused by a burn; believed to be harbored in this city. Information left with, W E Phillipe, 12th street, or Dr F W Hancock, Main street, between 3d and 4th. fe 23--5t
The Daily Dispatch: April 17, 1863., [Electronic resource], Suffolk invested — Rumors about the operations there. (search)
tions there. No official news has been received about the operations at Suffolk. It is said that a courier from Gen. Longstreet arrived at Iron Station, on the Norfolk and Petersburg railroad, Wednesday morning. He stated that Suffolk was complble positions occupied for our heavy guns, in the event of any attack by the enemy's gunboats. It was not known that Gen Longstreet intended to make an effort to carry the enemy's fortifications at Suffolk by direct assault.--Many are of the opinionhis supplies the garrison at Suffolk must speedily capitulate, and that to avoid any unnecessary effusion of blood. Gen. Longstreet will resort to this expedient. The heavy firing heard Tuesday was occasioned by the opposition of the enemy offeredan additional rumor brought to this city yesterday by a passenger from the vicinity of Suffolk, which also arrests that Longstreet is between Suffolk and Norfolk and that two Yankee gunboats, on Tuesday shelled the woods in rear of the former town to