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ssionary work. A dozen or more negroes stand in a group by the roadside. Said the Parson to an old man: My friend, are you religious? No, massa, I is not; seben of my folks is, an dey is all prayen fur your side. Hailing a little knot, I said: Boys where do you live? Lib wid Massa--, sah. All Union people, I suppose? Dey say Dey is, but Dey isn't. One old woman-evidently a great-grandmother in Israel-climbed on the fence, clapped her hands, shouted for joy, and bressed de Lord dat dar was de ole flag agin. To a colored boy who stole into our lines last night, with his little bundle under his arm, the Major said: Doesn't it make you feel bad to run away from your masters? Oh, no, massa; dey is gone, too. Reached Murfreesboro in the afternoon. March, 22 Men at work rebuilding the railroad bridge. General Dumont returns to Nashville. Colonel Lytle, of the Tenth Ohio, will assume command of our brigade. My servant has imposed upon me for about a
ar notions about certain matters, and they are not, by any means, complimentary to the white man. He says: It jis' ‘pears to me dat Adam was a black man, sah, an‘ de Lord he scar him till he got white, cos he was a sinner, sah. Tom, you scoundrel, how dare you slander the white man in that way? ‘Pears to me dat way; hab to tell de truf, sah; dat's my min‘. Men was ‘riginally black; but de Lord he scare Adam till he got white; dat's de reasonable supposition, sah. Do a man's har git black when he scared, sah? No, sah, it gits white. Did you ebber know a man ter get black when he's scard, sah? No, sah, he gits white. That does seem to be a knock-doey can't never git aroun dat pint. When yer strip dis subjec ob prejdice, an‘ fetch to bar on it de light oa reason, sah, yer can ‘rive at but one ‘clusion, sah. De Lord he rode into de garden in chariot of fire, sah, robed wid de lightnin‘, sah, thunder bolt in his han‘, an‘ he cried Adam, in de voice of a airthqua
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, chapter 2 (search)
ot to harden it down inside o‘ you, or it's notin‘. Then he hit hard at the religionists: When a man's got de sperit ob de Lord in him, it weakens him all out, can't hoe de corn. He had a great deal of broad sense in his speech; but presently somes in the camp:-- Let me so lib dat when I die I shall hab manners, dat I shall know what to say when I see my Heabenly Lord. Let me lib wid de musket in one hand an' de Bible in de oder,--dat if I die at de muzzle ob de musket, die in de watere, when de bressed mornin‘ rises, when I shall stan‘ in de glory, wid one foot on de water an' one foot on de land, den, O Lord, I shall see my wife an' my little chil'en once more. These sentences I noted down, as best I could, beside the glimmer, as he sat at my tent's edge last night and told me his story; and he showed all his white teeth as he added, Dey tink de Lord meant for say de Yankees. Last night, at dress-parade, the adjutant read General Saxton's Proclamation for the New Y
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 9: negro Spirituals. (search)
de road! I'se been on de road into heaven, my Lord! I can't stay behind! O, room in dar, room infrom springs dat never run dry, O, &c. Cry O my Lord! O, &c. Before I'll stay in hell one day, O, &in hopes to pray my sins away, O, &c. Cry O my Lord! O. &c. Brudder Moses promised for be dar too,go! O, Jacob do hang from a tremblin‘ limb; De Lord will bless my soul. O wrestlin‘ Jacob, Jacobr, I wish I'd been dar, I wish I'd been dar, my Lord, For to climb up Jacob's ladder. Still simpng them. XXII. Lord, remember me. O do, Lord, remember me! O do, Lord, remember me! O, do us call you. Go in de wilderness To wait upon de Lord. Go wait upon de Lord, Go wait upon de Lord,e prettiest ting dat ever I done Was to serve de Lord when I was young. So blow your trumpet, Gabr We'll soon be free, We'll soon be free, When de Lord will call us home. My brudder, how long, My free. We'll fight for liberty (Thrice.) When de Lord will call us home. The suspicion in this [24 more...]<
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lix. (search)
hat their place of worship was a large building which they called the praise house; and the leader of the meeting, a venerable black man, was known as the praise man. On a certain day, when there was quite a large gathering of the people, considerable confusion was created by different persons attempting to tell who and what Massa Linkum was. In the midst of the excitement the white-headed leader commanded silence. Brederin, said he, you don't know nosen‘ what you'se talkin‘ ‘bout. Now, you just listen to me. Massa Linkum, he eberywhar. He know eberyting. Then, solemnly looking up, he added,--He walk de earf like de Lord! Colonel McMaye told me that Mr. Lincoln seemed much affected by this account. He did not smile, as another man might have done, but got up from his chair, and walked in silence two or three times across the floor. As he resumed his seat, he said, very impressively: It is a momentous thing to be the instrument, under Providence, of the liberation of a
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Index. (search)
soldiers, 169; reprieves, 171; a handsome President, 174; idiotic boy, 176; Andersonville prisoners, 178; retaliation, 178; Fessenden, 182; McCulloch, 184; religious experience, 185-188; rebel ladies, 189; Col. Deming, 190; creeds, 190; Newton Bateman, 192; slavery, 194; prayer, 195; epitaph suggested, 196; Bible presentation, 197; Caroline Johnson, once a slave, 199; Sojourner Truth, 201-203; Frederick Douglass, 204; memorial from children, 204; New Year's Day, 1865, 205; walk de earf like de Lord, 209; Rebel Peace Commissioners, 218; slave map, 215; Kilpatrick, 216; personal description, 217, 323; opinion on the war, 219; text applied to Fremont, 220; reappointment of Fremont, 222; California lady's account of a visit at Soldiers' home, 223; on trees 224; school of events, 225; Mc-Clellan, 130, 143, 227, 255; Peace Convention, 229; Henry Ward Beecher, 230; popularity with the soldiers and people, 231; portraits, 46, 231; Lieutenant Cushing, 232; last inaugural, 234; his election to
d dat the big white bosses around here won't ‘low me to stay here nohow. I told him I would undertake to protect him if he knew how to shoot. He should have a good gun and plenty of ammunition in his house to protect himself with if anybody should molest him at night; that I was not afraid of their coming on the place in the daytime; that for a while he would have to sleep in the barn till I could put up a little house for him. He said: Well, Miss, I leaves it all in your hands and hope de Lord will take keer of us bofe. I directed him how to go to my house to wait for me till I should come. When I reached home he sat on the woodpile waiting for me, his face shining like the setting sun. He had taken a survey of the premises and was highly delighted, declaring to me he nebber expected to reach de promised land so soon. I ordered him to carry a wash-tub out to the barn and to take a bath. I bought him a new suit of cottonade at a neighboring store, and when he presented hims
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 16: (search)
st of women prominent in society during this administration, all of whom were frequent visitors at the White House, was a long one. Among others there were Mrs. Hazen, wife of General Hazen, now Mrs. George Dewey, Mrs. John B. Henderson, wife of ex-Senator Henderson of Missouri, one of the most remarkable women of her time, Miss Taylor, Mrs. Beale, wife of General Beale, Mrs. Hill, wife of Senator Hill of Colorado, Miss Edith Harlan, Miss Schurz, Mrs. Schofield, wife of General Schofield, Mrs. Lord, Mrs. Shellabarger, wife of Judge Shellabarger, Mrs. Waite, wife of Chief Justice Waite, and Miss Waite, Mrs. Don Cameron, Mrs. Dahlgren, Mrs. and Miss Blaine, Mrs. Jewett, Mrs. John Davis, Olivia Briggs, Mary Clemmer Ames, the daughters of Senator Frelinghuysen, Mrs. Vinnie Ream Hoxie, and many of the wives of high officials, who were women of decided ability and rare accomplishments. Under President Arthur foreign relations were conducted by Secretary Frelinghuysen in a friendly spir
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 15 (search)
colored troops of the Eighteenth Corps was soon reached, and a scene now occurred which defies description. They beheld for the first time the liberator of their race — the man who by a stroke of his pen had struck the shackles from the limbs of their fellow-bondmen and proclaimed liberty to the enslaved. Always impressionable, the enthusiasm of the blacks now knew no limits. They cheered, laughed, cried, sang hymns of praise, and shouted in their negro dialect, God bress Massa Linkum! De Lord save Fader Abraham! De day ob jubilee am come, shuah. They crowded about him and fondled his horse; some of them kissed his hands, while others ran off crying in triumph to their comrades that they had touched his clothes. The President rode with bared head; the tears had started to his eyes, and his voice was so broken by emotion that he could scarcely articulate the words of thanks and congratulation which he tried to speak to the humble and devoted men through whose ranks he rode. T
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 8: Seven Pines and the Seven Days battles (search)
lines, bending low, seeking in the distorted faces to identify their friends. Jackson glanced a moment toward this scene. Not a muscle quivered as he resumed his steady gaze down the road toward Richmond. He was the ideal of concentration, --imperturbable, resistless. I remember feeling that if he were not a very good man he would be a very bad one. By a ludicrous turn of the association of ideas, the old darkey minister's illustration of faith flashed through my brain: Bredren, ef de Lord tell me to jump through a stone wall, I's gwine to jump at it; jumpin‘ at it ‘longs to me, goin‘ through it ‘longs to God. The man before me would have jumped at anything the Lord told him to jump through. A moment later and his gaze was rewarded. A magnificent staff approached from the direction of Richmond, and riding at its head, superbly mounted, a born king among men. At that time General Lee was one of the handsomest of men, especially on horseback, and that morning every detai
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