Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 24, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for O. Lord or search for O. Lord in all documents.

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ose themselves against the malice and violence of such as bear a mortal hate against us. Arise, O. Lord, and stand up, we pray Thee, to help and defend them. Be Thou their Captain, to go in and out ible to such as come out against them.--When the enemy doth rage, and danger approach, be Thou, O. Lord, a rock of salvation and a tower of defence unto them. Break the enemies' weapons. As smoke vth, so let their enemies be scattered, and let such as hate them flee before them. Thou seest, O. Lord, the malice of our adversaries, how they bear a tyrannous hate against us, continually vexing and troubling us who fain would live at peace. Stir up, therefore, O. Lord, Thy strength, and avenge our just quarrel. Turn the sword of our enemy upon his own head, and cause his delight in war to o the praise of Thy glory, that Thou alone defendest them that trust in Thee, and givest victory to nations. Hear us, O. Lord our strength, in these our prayers, for Jesus Christ his sake. Amen.