Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 4, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for O. Lord or search for O. Lord in all documents.

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te shores. But Thine Hand, O. Lord God Almighty! and Thine alone, bath really brought about this happy result. Thine, O. Lord, is the Greatness! Thine, O. Lord, is the Power Thine, O. Lord, is the Victory! Thine, O. Lord, is the Majesty! And tO. Lord, is the Power Thine, O. Lord, is the Victory! Thine, O. Lord, is the Majesty! And therefore are we now assembled to bring before the Lord our God the tribute of our thanksgiving and praise. I invite you, therefore, my brave friends, without any further remarks, to join me in this act of gratitude to the Almighty, Who, has givO. Lord, is the Victory! Thine, O. Lord, is the Majesty! And therefore are we now assembled to bring before the Lord our God the tribute of our thanksgiving and praise. I invite you, therefore, my brave friends, without any further remarks, to join me in this act of gratitude to the Almighty, Who, has given you the opportunity to render such distinguished service to your country, and to the cause of Justice and true Liberty. Lift up your hearts in sincerity and truth, that the words of your mouth may be acceptable in the sight of the Lord and SavioO. Lord, is the Majesty! And therefore are we now assembled to bring before the Lord our God the tribute of our thanksgiving and praise. I invite you, therefore, my brave friends, without any further remarks, to join me in this act of gratitude to the Almighty, Who, has given you the opportunity to render such distinguished service to your country, and to the cause of Justice and true Liberty. Lift up your hearts in sincerity and truth, that the words of your mouth may be acceptable in the sight of the Lord and Saviour and Redeemer. In His infinite goodness and mercy, the most blessed and glorious Lord God has preserved your life from every harm. When death-shots were falling around upon you thick and fast and heavy. He rescued you from the jaws of fearful d