Browsing named entities in William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Owen Lovejoy or search for Owen Lovejoy in all documents.

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battle of Olustee letter to selectmen of Plymouth a Secondvolume of scrap-book letter from Mr. Lovejoy Lieutenant-Colonelwhittemore correspondence the Heavy Artillery condition of Fortwarren ce of our suffering soldiers. We find on the Governor's files a letter addressed to him by Owen Lovejoy, a member of Congress from Illinois, dated Washington, Feb. 22, from which we make the followf another, and feel unable to dictate any more. May God bless you and the Old Bay State! Mr. Lovejoy was for many years a distinguished member of Congress from Illinois, and was a brother of RevRev. Mr. Lovejoy, who, more than thirty years ago, had his printing-office attacked in Alton, Ill., by a mob, and was himself slain, because of the anti-slavery sentiments of which he was an eloquent and powerful advocate. Mr. Lovejoy, the writer of the above letter, died a short time after it was written. Major Horace O. Whittemore, of the Thirtieth Regiment, was commissioned lieutenant-colonel