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The Daily Dispatch: August 27, 1863., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Leavenworth, 22d, gives an account of the destruction of Lawrence, Kansas, by Quantrell's guerillas. It says: The list of killed and wounded as far as ascertained is some 180, the majority of whom were killed instantly, most of them in their own houses, with their wives and children clinging to them, while the murderers planted pistols at their breasts and shot them down. Among the most prominent citizens known to be killed are Gen. G. W. Calmer, Mayor of the city, and his son, J. G. Low; Dr Griswold, Col. Stone and his two brothers, Judge Carpenter, Rev. Mr. Snyder, Lemuel Fillmore, and Dwight Coleman. Twenty-five negro recruits were shot dead. The guerillas took all the money that could be found in the pockets or houses of the citizens. They stole all the jewelry of the ladies, even to the rings on their fingers. The houses that remain standing are filled with the killed and wounded, who belong to all classes of society. No resistance was made to the guerilla