Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1: prelminary narrative. You can also browse the collection for Charles Russell Lowell or search for Charles Russell Lowell in all documents.

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red, the regiment included four companies from Lowell, two from Lawrence, one from Groton, one from were killed by the mob: Addison O. Whitney of Lowell (born in Waldo, Me.), Luther C. Ladd of Lowellth honor and buried with municipal services in Lowell and Lawrence, that of Taylor was buried in an of the ladder. Such men were Hincks, Devens, Lowell, Bartlett, Miles. With these and such as thesiam Lowell Putnam, whose great grandfather, Judge Lowell, inserted the anti-slavery clause in the Bision of the large cavalry force, was Colonel Charles R. Lowell, with his own regiment, the 2d Mass.ever, was so deeply felt as that of Col. Charles Russell Lowell, whose commission as brigadier-genehere was a quality which I could have added to Lowell. He was the perfection of a man and of a solda series of young men, before untried,—of whom Lowell, Bartlett and Miles were perhaps the most striry and to the distinguished qualities of Col. C. R. Lowell of the 2d Cavalry, of whom much has been[5 more...]