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Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches 66 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge 22 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson 22 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 18 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 4 0 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 3 1 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli. You can also browse the collection for Maria Lowell or search for Maria Lowell in all documents.

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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 15: marriage and motherhood. (1847-1850.) (search)
ar from a fresh person so pleasant a statement of Mr. Ossoli's character, pleasanter than those we have sometimes heard here. I shall not give up that day you promised me, but find you soon, and make you fix upon one. Yours very truly, Maria Lowell, Cambridge, Elmwood, Friday morn. It is a curious fact that, throughout this letter, Mrs. Lowell uniformly spells the name of Margaret Fuller's husband Ossili, and it illustrates how vague a knowledge of the whole affair had at first reacMrs. Lowell uniformly spells the name of Margaret Fuller's husband Ossili, and it illustrates how vague a knowledge of the whole affair had at first reached America. Through such statements as these it came to be better understood; and the really simple and noble character of Margaret Fuller's young lover stood out above all distrust. There lie before me two old-fashioned daguerreotypes of him, and a lock of his hair, the characteristic blue-black hair of his nation. The pictures represent a thoroughly Italian face and figure: dark, delicate, slender; by no means the man, one would say, to marry at thirty an American woman of thirty-seven,