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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge 42 2 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 4: Longfellow (search)
ernly says, that the canker years had left her leafless too; but this could not be said of Miss Sally Lowell, a maiden lady who later became a resident of the large building, in friendly juxtapositiolarger part in Cambridge tradition than the houses which were also the birthplaces of Holmes and Lowell. Those who have spent summers in Cambridge within the last ten years must know well-such is cerat a man of this type usually has friends more combative, who wish to fight his battles for him. Lowell in particular was quite ready to take up the cause of his calmer friend, and thus perpetuate somGerman mind. In comparing these self-revelations with those given in the letters of Holmes and Lowell, one is struck with their far less brilliant and scintillating tone and, on the other hand, withrteous Longfellow would have been incapable, as he would also of a certain cynical tone by which Lowell sometimes relieved himself. Certainly in my timeten years before the period of Longfellow's co
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 5: Lowell (search)
Chapter 5: Lowell of the three authors most widely associated with old Cambridge, only Holmes and Lowell were born there, although its associations became a second nature to Longfellow, who was t region was still a part of Massachusetts. Lowell felt, even more thoroughly than Holmes, the in his native town, though always near it; while Lowell was continuously a Cantabrigian, with only occ in this house, nearly fifty years later, that Lowell was born (Feb. 22, 1819). Lowell's name wasmbative; and I think he occasionally protected Lowell also, who was small and slight. Lowell was nLowell was not then a handsome boy, but he had very fine eyes and that Apollo look about the brow which lighted Charles River the Bower of Blisse. In 1834 Lowell and Story went to college, and my brother afteches the works and ways of the students. Both Lowell and Story were popular and socially brilliant ricaturing. But if he was the social leader, Lowell was perhaps the class favorite. He wrote the [6 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Index (search)
e, 160-172; popularity, 172-173; imaginary magazine, 174; traits of character, 175; letter about Temperance Convention, 176; death of his wife, 176-177; editor Atlantic Monthly, 178-180; foreign minister, 181-182; his nephews, 183-184; compared with Holmes, 185-186; fertility of mind, 187-188; prose writings, 189-190; popularity in London, 191-192; later life, 193-195; death, 196. Lowell, Mrs. J. R. (Maria White), 159, 162, 176. Lowell, Percival, 94. Lowell, Rev. R. T. S., 16. Lowell, Miss, Sally, 125. Macaulay, T. B., 88. Mackenzie, Lieut. A. S., 117. Mather, Cotton, 4, 7. Mather, Pres., Increase, 7. Mather, Rev., Richard, 7. Milton, John, 90, 189. Mitchell, Dr., Weir, 82. Moore, Thomas, 91. Morse, J. T., Jr., 92, 100. Morton, Thomas, 29. Motley, J. L., 63, 68, 71, 83, 191. Newell, W. W., 150. Norton, Andrews, 14, 44, 48, 49. Norton, Prof. C. E., 16, 28, 37,44, 148, 160, 172. Nuttall, Thomas, 13. Oakes, Pres., Urian, 7. Oliver, Mrs., 151. Oliver, Lieut. Go